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Cerberus Gradle Plugin

Konrad Biernacki, 2018



Cerberus is a gradle plugin for extracting Jira issues from commit messages and sharing information on its respective Jenkins job and HockeyApp upload.

Using all of Cerberus' features, you can use your commit history -

 * HEAD -> Develop
 | \ 
 *   \
 | \ |
 | | * [CER-12] Address PR Feedback
 | | * [CER-12] Fix bug
 | | | 
 | * | [CER-7] Add feature
 | / |

to generate release notes using data from Jira and your build -

### Changelog
- [CER-12] UI Bug
- [CER-7] Minor Feature

Built by [Jenkins](https://jenkins.url/build/451)

and comment on your Jira tickets with build and artefact information

Jenkins: [Build #451|https://jenkins.url/build/451]
HockeyApp: [Version 2.0-RC|https://hockey.url/app/d3adcaf3]


As a buildSrc Plugin

  1. If you don't have one already, create a buildSrc folder in your target project's root directory
  2. Copy this project into the buildSrc directory (so the plugin build.gradle file would be found in target_project/buildSrc/build.gradle)

As a JAR Plugin

  1. Compile the plugin as a .jar file
  2. Add the .jar to your target project (eg. target_project/libs/cerberus.jar)
  3. Add the following to your target project's build.gradle file:
    buildscript {
        dependencies {
            classpath files('libs/cerberus.jar')


  1. Add the plugin to your target project's build.gradle

    apply plugin: ''
  2. Specify any configuration parameters in the Gradle DSL plugin configuration block. A typical implementation could be as follows:

    cerberus {
        shouldUpdateTicketAfter = ['pushToHockeyApp']
        jiraDomain = ''
        jiraUsername = 'cerberus'
        jiraPassword = 'password'
  3. Use Cerberus' tasks in your target build flow

    task runCi {
        configure {
            group = 'Continuous Integration'
            description = "Main CI Task"

Gradle Tasks

Cerberus adds the following tasks to your project classpath:


  • Generate release notes from all changes between the HEAD and a specified SHA-1 (cerberus.lastSuccessfulCommit)
  • Load those changes into the plugin extension at cerberus.releaseNotes as a markdown formatted string


  • Comment on any identified Jira tickets with:
    • Build information
      • cerberus.buildNumber
      • cerberus.buildUrl
    • HockeyApp upload information
      • cerberus.hockeyAppUploadUrl
      • cerberus.hockeyAppShortVersion


The plugin extension available through the Gradle DSL is documented at CerberusPluginExtension.kt

Environment Variables

Some configuration parameters are populated from environment variables

Parameter Environment Variable Description
jiraDomain CER_JIRA_URL URL to Jira instance
jiraUsername CER_JIRA_CREDENTIALS_USR Username for Jira instance
jiraPassword CER_JIRA_CREDENTIALS_PWD Password for Jira instance
lastSuccessfulCommit GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT The SHA-1 to use as the root commit when comparing to HEAD
buildUrl BUILD_URL The URL to the current build information
buildNumber BUILD_NUMBER The current build number

If additional (or alternate) environment variables need to be used, then configure them in the plugin DSL block like so:

cerberus {
    jiraDomain = System.env.OTHER_JIRA_DOMAIN

Default Values

Some configuration parameters have default values

Parameter Default Value Description
ticketExtractionPattern "[A-Z]+-\\d+" Regex pattern to match tickets against. Default matches ABC-123
gitLogPrettyFormat "%s" Commit information to match against, and include in release notes if it matches commitPassthroughPattern
disableJiraSSLVerify false Verify an SSL connection attempt is valid before connecting


Improve traceability in your build chain using gradle







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