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Snowysauce edited this page Mar 8, 2025 · 28 revisions

Not all canonical chains in the world can be accurately divided into specific categories such as brand/operator. It's not always clear if an entity is notable enough to be added to the index. Sometimes it's difficult to determine what language or set of data to use. Ambiguity always exists.

Therefore, we often need community discussion and the judgment of the maintainer to determine what the best course of action is for the NSI.

The following is a list of some classic cases to help contributors and new maintainers judge.


At least 30 locations (brands/operators) or instances (flags/transit networks) globally are recommended before including an entity in NSI. This threshold may be lower in some situations such as in a OSM data shortage region, where at least 10 elements (currently or will have in the future) is the recommended threshold.

In any case, entities must have a page on Wikidata to be fully integrated into the NSI, and to show up in editors that use NSI as a reference for tag presets (e.g., OSM's iD editor). As a result, new entity suggestions that do not include a Wikidata tag (*:wikidata) will probably not be accepted.

The nsi-collector project uses planet.osm (a global summary of OSM data) to automatically add names/brands, operators, and transit networks to the NSI if they are not already present in the index and they meet specific usage thresholds in OSM. The inclusion threshold is set to 50 entries for names and brands, and to 10 entries for operators and transit networks. (See collect_osm.js#L33-L39.)

See also discussions in #8399, #9002 and #9052.

Common situations and scenarios

Many common issues were compiled into a list at #2099.

Determining keys and values

Should an entry be under brands or operators?

See discussions at #5625 and #5924.

Is an amenity a restaurant or cafe?

(discussion examples needed)

Is an amenity a restaurant or fast_food?

  • amenity=restaurant for a place where a host seats you and a waiter takes your order (aka "table service")
  • amenity=fast_food for a place where you order food from a counter (includes "fast casual" style)

See comment to #4987 and OSM wiki for sustenance amenities, restaurant amenities and fast_food amenities.

How many cuisine/clothes values should I add?

Only those values that represent the restaurant or clothing store's defining specialty or theme. You don't need to copy the menu or wardrobe list; after all, NSI isn't a food delivery or fashion website.

Adding specific keys

key Allowed? Reference/links to further information
amenity related tags such as WLAN / wheelchair generally no #10456
contact tags like website or phone no Item Property Reference#tags
tags that require an on ground survey, such as outdoor_seating or smoking case-by-case basis #7269, #10306
drink:* generally no #8270 (review), although a single instance of the tag may be useful for branded beverage vending machines (#3571)
old_name generally no #9738 (discussion that led to an accepted case); #9939 (discussion that led to matchNames being used instead)
operator / operator:* for brands generally no #9716, #9989, #10131 - use Wikidata to specify owners/operators of non-franchised brands (and to store information relating to said owners/operators), and edit OSM directly to specify owners/operators of individual locations of franchised brands
payment / payment:* yes, within reason Entries must "stick to a minimalistic set of tags" when using payment - see #6703. Also, there are some situations which don't need payment: #4696, #4105, #4976, #6701
vegetarian and vegan case-by-case basis #4855 (a long discussion about those two tags); #5727 (rejected case); #5801 (merged case)
wikipedia / *:wikipedia no #6481; commit e3d25ab

Localized topics

Language of an entry

Currently, the decision of which language to use for an entry is mostly based on This is not a hard and fast rule, though, and it may vary from case to case.

Should I use the Wikidata entry of a local branch of a brand or the global brand if both exist?

The local branch's Wikidata entry is OK if it has more correct data associated. See PR #7812 for addition of local McDonald's Wikidata.

Itemized locationSets vs. specifying a "global" presence

This is up to the discretion of contributors and maintainers and should be evaluated on a per-item basis. As a general rule of thumb, if a locationSet for an entity can be narrowed to a few areas, this should be done to avoid potential overlapping with other entities that have the same name. Otherwise, if the name of the entity is unique enough, there is no harm in using the UN M49 code for "global" (001) as the locationSet if the alternative would be specifying a laundry list of various countries from around the world. From a technical standpoint, there is no difference in end-user performance when comparing a custom locationSet to using "001".

See discussion at #7101.


For Contributors

Contributing to the index

Advanced Topics

For Developers

Information for developers using the name-suggestion-index in another project.

For Maintainers

Information for maintainers, including how to clone and build the project.


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