Actionable - add a brand to the index
Actionable - add a flag to the index
Actionable - add an operator to the index
Actionable - add a transit network to the index
This issue should be checked with the local mapping community for guidance
Not Actionable - still considering if this is something we want
Brands that may no longer be operating
The wikidata qid has been deleted
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Actionable - add an enhancement to the source code
Need to cleanup the data in OSM after this is released
Actionable - filter out a generic name
Best for first-time contributors. No experience necessary!
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Waiting for other contributors to voice their opinion
It is necessary to create a wikidata entry
Add support for a new kind of feature
Not Actionable - project news
An issue with the site
Not Actionable - just a question about something
Waiting for something before we can do this