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Mapping and Community Tools Links from SOTM Africa 2017 Talk

Andrew Wiseman edited this page Jan 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

At State of the Map Africa 2017, Apple presented a talk called "Advanced editing, validation and community building with JOSM and other cool tools," below are some links and descriptions for useful tools the community could use when mapping in Africa (or anywhere!)

Name Description More info
Community tools:
OSM Wiki OSM Country home pages, with local users QA tools, current events, and links to communications forums
OSM Talk Lists OSM email lists, also visible from the web, for various countries and topics. A great resource for discussions.
Who's Mapping Around Me? A way to find who has been mapping in an area, and if they are new or more experienced
Changeset Discussion Tool All the current changeset discussions in an area
Tasking Manager Videos Embed videos into Tasking Manager tasks with this code: ![Video Title](
HOT Tutorial Videos A series of short tutorial videos for OSM: logging in, mapping buildings and roads, organizing a mapathon and more
Imagery resources:
JOSM Imagery menu Many imagery resources available -- new Digital Globe imagery, plus country specific, regional and also GPS traces: OSM GPS Traces, Skobbler, and Strava
Pic4Carto Shows where there might be street-level images which you can use to edit and confirm OSM data
JOSM Plugins: Search terms in JOSM Plugins window:
ImproveOSM Missing Roads Find where there are GPS traces but no mapped roads is OSM improveosm
Mapillary See street-level imagery from Mapillary directly in JOSM mapillary
Buildings Tool Map buildings with 90-degree corners, and parallel buildings, very quickly buildings_tools
Way Accuracy Quickly fix way accuracy and road alignment ImproveWay
JOSM Validation Tool Identify and fix a number of potential errors JOSM Windows menu, select Validation Results
Overpass Queries:
Overpass-Turbo Query OSM data to download or inspect
Overpass API Read about all things Overpass
Overpass API Wiki OSM Wiki on Overpass API Use
Overpass Language Guide A guide to writing Overpass queries
Overpass Query Examples Example Overpass Queries
Overpass in JOSM Overpass Support in JOSM
JOSM Paint Styles:
MapCSS A brief intro to the language behind JOSM paint styles
MapCSS 0.2 Guide to the most recent version of MapCSS
Overpass-Turbo & MapCSS How to style queries
MapCSS Examples Examples of MapCSS statements
MapCSS Tutorial Tutorials on using MapCSS
MapCSS in JOSM Guide to using MapCSS in JOSM
MapCSS Style Repository The JOSM stylesheet web page
MapCSS Eval Statements Guide to eval statements, which let you do more in-depth queries of map data
MapCSS 0.1 Guide to the initial version of MapCSS
Apple's Validation Paint Style A paint style created by Apple that you can use to find errors in OSM data quickly
Road Networks:
OSM Highway Tag Guide OSM Highway tag usage and guidelines
Africa Highway Tag Wiki Highway tags as particular to Africa
East African Highway Guidelines East Africa highway tag guidelines
WikiProject Uganda OSM uganda project page