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dapp-kit / 1.0.14

dapp-kit 1.0.14

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @vechain/dapp-kit@1.0.14
Install via package.json:
"@vechain/dapp-kit": "1.0.14"

About this version


The Vechain DApp Kit serves as a sophisticated layer built upon @vechain/connex, providing a simplified and efficient avenue for engaging with a multitude of Vechain wallets. This innovative toolkit enhances the ease of interaction, offering developers a seamless bridge to connect with diverse Vechain wallet functionalities. For more information, please refer to the official Vechain Docs


yarn add @vechain/dapp-kit
  • Optional: Configure wallet connect options
import type { WalletConnectOptions } from '@vechain/dapp-kit';

const walletConnectOptions: WalletConnectOptions = {
    projectId: '<PROJECT_ID>', // Create your project here:
    metadata: {
        name: 'My dApp',
        description: 'My dApp description',
        url: window.location.origin, // Your app URL
        icons: [`${window.location.origin}/images/my-dapp-icon.png`], // Your app Icon
  • Create a new instance of DAppKit and pass in the options
  • thor will be ready to use to interact with the chain, but calling any methods requiring a wallet will throw an error. See the next step to finalise the setup.
import { DAppKit } from '@vechain/dapp-kit';

const { thor, vendor, wallet } = new DAppKit({
    nodeUrl: '', //Required
    genesis: 'main', //Optional - "main" | "test" | Connex.Thor.Block
    walletConnectOptions, //Optional
  • You can set the wallet source when the user selects a wallet, or if you want to default to a specific wallet.
  • Connex is ready to use as normal
import type { WalletSource } from '@vechain/dapp-kit';

// type WalletSource = 'wallet-connect' | 'veworld' | 'sync2' | 'sync';
const mySource: WalletSource = 'veworld';

  • Connect to the wallet. This will return the user's address
  • verified indicates whether a certificate is signed by the user. If a sign in is required and the account is not verified, you should request a subsequent certificate sign in
const {account, verified} = await wallet.connect();

const tx = await thor.account("0x...123")

const certRes = await vendor.sign("cert", {...})



  • dapp-kit-1.0.14.tgz

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