This template allows you to deploy an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VM with docker, docker-compose, repo2docker, anaconda, git and jdk11 (including jshell).
Three conda environments are configured:
- scijava. SciJava aims to provide an overview of available Java libraries for scientific computing. From this environment you can use the scijava jupyter kernel. It uses the Scijava scripting languages to execute the code in Jupyter client and it's possible to use different languages in the same notebook.
- java11. From this environment you can use a jupyter kernel for executing java code, based on the jshell.
- bio. Biopython is a collection of freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology.
You can connect to the virtual machine with SSH (port 22 is accessible).
This is meant only for development / training purposes.
For connecting to the notebooks in your local browser, you should use an SSH tunnel.