Release 0.1.1
Change Log:
- Release documentation
- Added Socket Events to send Project Status for Agents (Used to display loading page and error states)
- Bumped supported optic-markdown to version 0.1.2
- Fixed issue where Optic didn't work if the App was located in a path with a space in it ie 'Developer/My Apps'
- Packaged Optic Markdown within .jar so it doesn't need to be installed separately.
- Optic node checks if a valid version of Node is installed before starting
- Optic Editor window loads faster and has correct title
Bug Fixes:
- Data directories weren't being created on first run causing most of Optic's internal functionality to fail. This was missed because in testing we didn't wipe all Optic files from our test devices.
- Issue that prevented Optic servers from shutting down after the host Mac App closed has been resolved