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MrMgr (Azure IAM)

How to deploy service principal


  • In the below defined block, we are creating two app and api service principals.
  • In app service principal used Federated credentials of opszero/app repo.
  • In api service principal used Federated credentials of opszero/api Repo.
    module "openid" {
      source = "./.."
      github = true
      sp_name = "testing-sp-name"
      repos  = {
        app = {
          repo        = "opszero/app"
          entity_type = "pull_request" # for branch ref:refs/heads/<branch name>
        api = {
          repo        = "opszero/api"
          entity_type = "pull_request" # for branch ref:refs/heads/<branch name>

Need to allow access service principal to Kubernetes

  • Get the output of client_id.
  • client_id put it in kubelogin-cluterrole.yml name section in subjects.
  - apiGroup:
    kind: User
    name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Run the command kubectl apply kubelogin-cluterrole.yml