A Java implementation of the OpenTDF protocol, and access library for the services provided by the OpenTDF platform. This SDK is available from Maven central as:
- cmdline: Command line utility
import io.opentdf.platform.sdk.Config;
import io.opentdf.platform.sdk.SDK;
import io.opentdf.platform.sdk.SDKBuilder;
import io.opentdf.platform.sdk.abac.Policy;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SDK sdk =
new SDKBuilder
.clientSecret("myClient", "token")
// Encrypt a file
try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream("input.plaintext")) {
Config c = Config.newTDFConfig(Config.withDataAttributes("attr1", "attr2"));
new TDF().createTDF(in, System.out, tdfConfig, sdk.getServices().kas());
// Decrypt a file
try (SeekableByteChannel in =
FileChannel.open("input.ciphertext", StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
TDF.Reader reader = new TDF().loadTDF(in, sdk.getServices().kas());
This SDK uses the Bouncy Castle Security library library. Note: When using this SDK, it may be necessary to register the Bouncy Castle Provider as follows:
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
The Java SDK makes use of the slf4j library, without providing a backend. log4j2 in leveraged within the included automated tests.
Leverage the SDKBuilder.withSSL methods to create an SDKBuilder as follows:
- An SSLFactory:
- Directory containing trusted certificates:
- Java Keystore:
sdkBuilder.sslFactoryFromKeyStore(keystorepath, keystorePassword)
Create an account, link that account with GitHub and then under User settings create a token
[INFO] --- antrun:3.1.0:run (generateSources) @ sdk ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO] [exec] Failure: too many requests
[INFO] [exec]
[INFO] [exec] Please see https://buf.build/docs/bsr/rate-limits for details about BSR rate limiting.
Snapshots are from main latest
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.2.3-SNAPSHOT
Releases are from tags created by the GitHub release process. Enter 'Release Please' to trigger the release process.