This is an openbases builder for Open Schemas to generate a specification using the map2model example that uses openschemas-python to generate a specification for contribution to You can use the container to generate your specification as follows:
- Fill in the templates provided on Google Drive, and download as tsv
- Run the openschemas/schema-builder container to generate your specification files
- Contribute your specification by way of a pull request to openschemas (still under development)
That's it! More information coming soon.
Edit the file configuration.yml in the specifications directory and fill in the values for your specification. Are you editing or contributing more than one? Feel free to copy paste the chunk (not including the "specifications" header) and have more than one.
Now generate your new template! You can create a copy of the Google Drive template provided here.
When you are done, export each sheet as a tsv file (tab separated value) and drop into a subfolder named by your specification (e.g., "DataCatalog" is a folder in specifications. When you are done, you will have something like this:
├── configuration.yml
└── DataCatalog
├── DataCatalog - Authors.tsv
├── DataCatalog - Bioschemas.tsv
├── DataCatalog - Mapping.tsv
└── DataCatalog - Specification.tsv
(with optionally more than one specification subfolder!)
You now can generate your specification files with the provided Docker container!
If you need to ask for help, just run the container:
$ docker run openschemas/schema-builder
docker run <container> [demo|start|help]
docker run <container> demo
docker run <container> help
docker run -v /code/:/data <container> start
help: show help and exit
start: generate a specification, with your subdirectory with the
specifications top level folder bound to /data
demo: show a demo generation using files in the container
Options [start]:
--config CONFIG configuration.yml file, defaults to configuration.yml in
--folder SPECS folder with input specification subfolders
--output OUTFOLDER folder to write output specification subfolders
--template TEMPLATE template for Jekyll rendering (use default)
--repo REPO repository specification is intended for
defaults to openschemas/specifications
There are files provided in the container (the same demo ones in this folder) that you can use (without mounting a volume) to see what output should look like:
$ docker run -it openschemas/schema-builder demo
You can next try the local files provided in this repository to learn how to mount the volume correctly. If you haven't already, clone the repository and go for it!
$ git clone
$ cd schema-builder
Let's also going to set the output folders and input configuration file to the ones we have locally, because it's likely you might have this setup. Importantly, since we are binding the $PWD to the container, we need to reference paths in the $PWD relative to /data in the container!
mkdir -p outfiles
$ docker run -v $PWD:/data openschemas/schema-builder start --config /data/specifications/configuration.yml --output /data/outfiles
Here are your files!
tree outfiles/
└── DataCatalog
├── DataCatalog.html
├── DataCatalog.yml
├── examples
│ └──
Now you know how to do your own! You would want to specify the configuration.yml
via --config
and then output via --output
and make sure your container mappings
are correct (as per the example above). If you have any trouble, please
open an issue.
Instructions coming soon! I (@vsoch) have to figure this out.
Build the container
$ docker build -t openschemas/schema-builder .