Open Integration Hub adapter for The world's leading software development platform · GitHub.
The following env vars must be configured:
This guide shows how those values can be found on GitHub.
The adapter supports the following functionailities.
||_ _lib
|| ||
|| |_ _Actions
|| || ||
|| || |_ createIssues
|| || |_ createPullRequest
|| ||
|| |_ _Triggers
|| || ||
|| || |_ getIssues
|| || |_ getPullRequests
|| || |_ getOrganizations
|| || |_ getOrganizationMembers
Fetches all issues assigned to the current user.
Outgoing message format: outgoing message format
Fetches all pull requests assigned to the current user.
Outgoing message format: outgoing message format
Fetches all organizations the current user belongs to.
Outgoing message format: outgoing message format
Fetches all organization members of the organizations the current user belongs to.
Outgoing message format: outgoing message format
Creates a new issue on behalf of the user in the specified repsitory.
Incoming message format: incoming message format
Outgoing message format: outgoing message format
- repository
- owner
- title (The title of the issue.)
Creates a new pull request on behalf of the user, in the specified repository.
Incoming message format: incoming message format
Outgoing message format: outgoing message format
- repository
- owner
- title (The title of the new pull request.)
- head (The name of the branch where your changes are implemented.)
- base (The name of the branch you want the changes pulled into.)
Version 2.0
Apache-2.0 © Cloud Ecosystem e.V.