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Open Businesses

Project description

Open Businesses is a business registration search engine with data from over 170,000 businesses in Kosovo. The data was scraped from the Kosovo Business Registration Agency (ARBK). Opening business data allows economic analysis of sectors as well as various economic activities. It creates space for analyzing economic trends in different periods and regions. It creates space for market analysis by local and international investors. Opening these business data enables data linking with other sectors such as public procurement or property declaration, which would strengthen anti-corruption mechanisms.

Technical Instructions

1. Server Installation


  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bit
  • MongoDB 3.2.x
  • Apache Virtual Hosts (httpd)
  • Python 2.2.7

Initial Setup

Apache Virtual Host:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

Open the new file in your editor with root privileges:

sudo nano app.wsgi

And configure the project's path:

app_dir_path = '/var/www/open-arbk'

Create and edit project config file:

sudo cp config-template.cfg config.cfg
sudo nano config.cfg

Create New Virtual Host

Copy default virtual host config file to create new file specific to the project:

sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/open-arbk.conf

Open the new file in your editor with root privileges:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/open-arbk.conf

And configure it to point to the project's app.wsgi file:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAdmin admin@localhost

  WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/open-arbk/app.wsgi
  <Directory /var/www/open-arbk>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

  ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
  CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Enable New Virtual Host

First disable the defaul one:

sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

Then enable the new one we just created:

sudo a2ensite open-arbk.conf

Restart the server for these changes to take effect:

sudo service apache2 restart

2. Local Installation (UBUNTU)

First create a folder in your desktop called dev:

cd ~
mkdir dev
cd dev

Getting the project in your local machine:

git clone
cd open-arbk

Install and run the app:


3. Caching

In order to load the data in website faster, we implemented 'FileSystemCache' caching. 'FileSystemCache' is a flask caching option to store cache in a folder. In order to make it run we need to edit the config.cfg file:


CACHE_DIR - Directory to store cache. CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - The default timeout that is used if no timeout is specified. Unit of time is seconds. !!! Warning - Cache doesn't delete automatically when the timeout is over, by so it adds new cached files without deleting the old ones which may take space on disc. So remember that you need to delete cached data manually or set CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT to a large number.

CACHE_THRESHOLD - The maximum number of items the cache will store before it starts deleting some.

4. Database and Documents Preparation

The data have been extracted from the ARBK official site using our open source web scraper ARBK Scraper.

After running ARBK scraper, we will have a database called "arbk" with a collection called "businesses". Every document will look like this for example:

    "_id" : ObjectId("58ceb46cffd93a027eae32ef"),
    "raw" : {
        "info" : [
                "key" : "Emri",
                "value" : "\" Lirita\" Sh.p.k."
                "key" : "Lloji Biznesit",
                "value" : "Shoqëri me përgjegjësi të kufizuara"
                "key" : "Nr Regjistrimit",
                "value" : "70318754"
                "key" : "Nr Fiskal",
                "value" : ""
                "key" : "Nr Cerfitikues KTA",
                "value" : ""
                "key" : "Nr Punëtorëve",
                "value" : "5"
                "key" : "Data e konstituimit",
                "value" : "2006.02.10"
                "key" : "Data e Aplikimit",
                "value" : "2005.11.23"
                "key" : "Komuna",
                "value" : "Bibaj"
                "key" : "Adresa",
                "value" : ","
                "key" : "Telefoni",
                "value" : "044-343-875"
                "key" : "E-mail",
                "value" : ""
                "key" : "Kapitali",
                "value" : "2501.00"
                "key" : "Statusi në ATK",
                "value" : "//"
                "key" : "Emri",
                "value" : "\" Lirita\" Sh.p.k."
                "key" : "Lloji Biznesit",
                "value" : "Shoqëri me përgjegjësi të kufizuara"
                "key" : "Nr Regjistrimit",
                "value" : "70318754"
                "key" : "Nr Fiskal",
                "value" : ""
                "key" : "Nr Cerfitikues KTA",
                "value" : ""
                "key" : "Nr Punëtorëve",
                "value" : "5"
                "key" : "Data e konstituimit",
                "value" : "2006.02.10"
                "key" : "Data e Aplikimit",
                "value" : "2005.11.23"
                "key" : "Komuna",
                "value" : "Bibaj"
                "key" : "Adresa",
                "value" : ","
                "key" : "Telefoni",
                "value" : "044-343-875"
                "key" : "E-mail",
                "value" : ""
                "key" : "Kapitali",
                "value" : "2501.00"
                "key" : "Statusi në ATK",
                "value" : "//"
        "authorized" : [
                "key" : "Lyirim Zefi",
                "value" : "Drejtor."
        "owners" : [
                "key" : "1",
                "value" : "N.T.P. \"Zefi S\""
                "key" : "2",
                "value" : "\"Q.K.I. \" Sh.p.k."
        "activities" : [
                "key" : "4671",
                "value" : "Tregtia me shumicë e lëndëve djegëse të ngurta, të lëngëta ose të gazta dhe produkteve të lidhur me to"
                "key" : "4711",
                "value" : "Tregtia me pakicë në dyqane jo të specializuar, ku mbizotëron ushqimi, pijet dhe duhani"
                "key" : "5610",
                "value" : "Restorantet dhe aktivitetet shërbyese lëvizëse të ushqimit"
                "key" : "4752",
                "value" : "Tregtia me pakicë e artikujve elektronikë, ngjyrave dhe xhamit, në dyqane të specializuara"
                "key" : "4730",
                "value" : "Tregtia me pakicë e karburantit për automjete në dyqane të specializuar"
    "formatted" : {
        "owners" : [
            "N.T.P. \"Zefi S\"",
            "\"Q.K.I. \" Sh.p.k."
        "authorized" : [
            "Lyirim Zefi"
        "activities" : [
        "type" : "Shoqëri me përgjegjësi të kufizuara",
        "registrationNum" : 70318754,
        "employeeCount" : 5,
        "establishmentDate" : ISODate("2006-02-10T00:00:00.000Z"),
        "applicationDate" : ISODate("2005-11-23T00:00:00.000Z"),
        "municipality" : "Bibaj",
        "capital" : 2501.0,
        "atkStatus" : "//",
        "timestamp" : ISODate("2017-03-19T16:40:12.776Z"),
        "name" : "\" Lirita\" Sh.p.k.",
        "status" : "Aktiv",
        "arbkUrl" : ",38,125018763"

Then we need to run importers to format data. First we need to run the ativity importer.


The activity importer creates a collection with codes and description of all 615 activities - (check here). Example:

    "_id" : ObjectId("597b4612bacaea17c7e68618"),
    "code" : "111",
    "activity" : {
        "sq" : "Kultivimi i drithërave (përveç orizit), i bimëve bishtajore dhe i farërave vajore",
        "en" : "Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds"

Then we run the municipality importer, which creates a collection with municipalities and places that belongs to them. This is used to correct the data we got from ARBK where in some cases they showed places instead of actual municipalities. In this example is 'Bibaj' which belongs to 'Ferizaj'.


A municipality in the municipality collection will look like this:

    "_id" : ObjectId("5996ae27bacaea119874a6fb"),
    "districts" : [
        "Nerodime e Epërme",
        "Nerodime e Ulët",
        "Pleshinë e Epërme",
        "Pleshinë e ulët",
        "Prelez i Jerlive",
        "Prelez i Muhaxherëve",
        "Fshati i Vjetër",
        "Talinovc i Jerlive",
        "Talinovc i Muhaxherëve",
    "municipality" : {
        "sq" : "Ferizaj",
        "en" : "Ferizaj"
    "slug" : {
        "sq" : "ferizaj",
        "en" : "ferizaj"

These two importers prepare municipalities and acitivities in two seperate collections. After importing municipalities and activities we are ready to import the businesses collection, which will create a collection called "reg_businesses".


After running all importers a the document will look like this:

    "_id" : ObjectId("5996b0d4bacaea16286f107e"),
    "status" : {
        "sq" : "Aktiv",
        "en" : "Active"
    "activities" : [
    "owners" : [
            "gender" : "unknown",
            "name" : "N.T.P. \"Zefi S\""
            "gender" : "unknown",
            "name" : "\"Q.K.I. \" Sh.p.k."
    "slugifiedMunicipality" : {
        "sq" : "ferizaj",
        "en" : "ferizaj"
    "arbkUrl" : ",38,125018763",
    "atkStatus" : "//",
    "fiscalNum" : "",
    "establishmentDate" : ISODate("2006-02-10T00:00:00.000Z"),
    "slugifiedOwners" : [
    "municipality" : {
        "place" : "Bibaj",
        "municipality" : {
            "sq" : "Ferizaj",
            "en" : "Ferizaj"
    "applicationDate" : ISODate("2005-11-23T00:00:00.000Z"),
    "slugifiedAuthorized" : [
    "slugifiedBusiness" : "lirita-sh-p-k",
    "authorized" : [
            "gender" : "male",
            "name" : "Lyirim Zefi"
    "capital" : 2501,
    "employeeCount" : 5,
    "registrationNum" : 70318754,
    "type" : {
        "sq" : "Shoqëri me përgjegjësi të kufizuara",
        "en" : "Limited Liability Company"
    "dataRetrieved" : ISODate("2017-03-19T16:40:12.776Z"),
    "name" : " Lirita Sh.p.k."

When all importers are done, we run this script to create CSV and JSON files for downloadable data. This script will create a folder in app/static/ called 'downloads' and will create files in both formats seperatet by year range from 2000 to 2017 and also a document with all the years:

sudo bash

In order to reduce the size of documents with all data files (JSON/CSV), we run this script which compresses the files.

sudo bash

5. Getting an error? How do I debug?

First thing you should do is to try having a look at error logs.

The most common error log if you are running this app on a server is to have a look at apache2 error logs.

Issue the following command in terminal to get the error logs:

sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

There is also a logs folder in the flask app itself where you can find traces of errors.

If the first thing you see is Internal Server Error when you run the app in an ubuntu server, and you are looking at the /var/log/apache2/error.log you will see that the app needs a logs folder and tmp folder which it's not authorized to create.

How to solve this?

Create a logs folder:

mkdir logs

Create a tmp folder:

mkdir tmp

Change ownership of these folders so apache can write on it:

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/open-arbk/logs
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/open-arbk/tmp

Restart apache2

sudo service apache2 restart


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