Changes to default opendss solution:
- Changing load model 1 to load model 8
- Add load and pv data.
- Create corresponding OEDI entry
The data should be able to be run in an oedisi feeder with state estimator and optimal power flow.
snapshot folder is self-contained i.e. the snapshot/master.dss can be run without any other dependency. QSTS has a dependency on the profiles folder.
One can run the snapshot by running the snapshot/master.dss file.
One can run the QSTS by running the qsts/master.dss file. The user is recommended to make any modifications to the profiles in-place i.e. modify the profile shapes in the appropriately named files. It is also possible to make changes any way the user wants but appropriate changes need to be made to the qsts/*.dss files as needed.
The snapshot/IEEE123Loads.dss and qsts/IEEE123Loads.dss both have ZIP loads i.e. model=8. This allows the load to vary as a function of voltage.