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This Sulu CMS skeleton is the perfect way to decrease your initial setup time drastically!

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Sulu Skeleton

This Sulu CMS skeleton is the perfect way to decrease your initial setup time drastically!


  • PHP 8.2
  • MariaDB 10.8.2
  • Symfony 6.3
  • Sulu 2.5
  • Node 18
  • Webpack Encore
  • Typescript
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Bazinga Translator
  • LuxonJS
  • Axios
  • Vanilla Cookieconsent
  • Ansible Deploy Playbook


  • Docker >= v20
  • (If you don't have it, just run make install-nvm in your project root)
  • Gas Mask


  1. In your project root, open the .env file and set all parameters to your liking.
  2. If you change the database name or password, you'll have to change that in application/.env as well. See parameter DATABASE_URL.
  3. Go to application/config/webspaces/default.xml and make a few changes:
    1. Rename the file to customize the webspace name. (e.g. mycompany.xml)
    2. Open the file and change <name> to some label and set <key> to the same value as the file name. (Marked with TODO)
    3. Scroll down and look for "portals". You'll see one domain for each environment. Set the local domain to the same as you set in your .env file before.
  4. Run make setup to initialize the database, build the backend and the frontend.


This skeleton already contains an Ansible Playbook for deployment. You'll have to customize a few things to use it:

  1. Under ansible/hosts, set your server name, ssh user and key path.
  2. In ansible/deploy-prod.yml make the following changes (marked with TODO):
    1. Set the base_dir and sulu_storage according to your server setup (sulu_storage should match the path in your
    2. Set your user:group & your httpd / Apache / Nginx etc. user in the permissions section
    3. All the way at the bottom, you see the opcache reset tool. It is recommended to use it on deploy, as the Opcache can be quite stubborn to clear. If you'd like to use it, get it from here:

Coming back later

If your project is set up and you'd like to continue your work, simply run make up to start the containers.

Frontend Workflow

The frontend lives in application/assets/website. Folder explanations:

  • fonts Font files (woff / ttf / etc.)
  • images SVGs / static images to be included by SCSS / Inline SVG
  • modules If your Sulu module needs JS, it should go here. Styles that only concern this specific module belong here too.
  • scss Styles go here.
    • bootstrap Configuration & Customization
    • fonts Font-Face style definitions for the font files mentioned above
    • mixins SCSS mixins
    • partials Repetitive SCSS goes here to be included elsewhere
    • app.scss Entry point. You should not put styles here.
    • variables.scss Contains SCSS variables to be globally available in all SCSS files
    • inject.scss As the name implies, this file is injected into every SCSS file while building to make SCSS variables and mixins publicly available. WARNING Do not put anything in here that produces CSS output (anything but mixins & variables). This will increase your frontend size significantly!
  • utils Contains helper scripts / libraries / methods, e.g. translate(), which can be used to retrieve translations from the backend
  • app.ts The entrypoint, you'll need to include your scripts / modules here to be loaded.

Build steps:

  • nvm install This can be used as well as nvm use. The difference: It installs the version if missing.
  • npm install
  • npm run watch or npm run dev (single-time dev build) or npm run build (prod build)

Nice to know

make bash starts a bash inside the PHP container, for running symfony commands etc.

make composer-install runs composer install inside the PHP container.

The frontend comes with a svg-inline plugin. Use it to include SVGs into your stylesheets, as data urls:

@include svg-load(my-icon-black, 'website/images/icon-black.svg');

@include svg-load(my-icon-white, 'website/images/icon-black.svg') {
    path {
        fill: $color-white /* You can change colors on the fly! */ 

.icon-black {
    background-image: svg-inline(my-icon-black);

.icon-white {
    background-image: svg-inline(my-icon-white);


This Sulu CMS skeleton is the perfect way to decrease your initial setup time drastically!



