1 commit
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Moving helm charts to the new helm repo. by @Andrea-Campanella in #2
- Updated the POD label to match service name - cures missing endpoint by @SeanCondon in #3
- ONOS chart by @Andrea-Campanella in #1
- Add travis file for lint by @Andrea-Campanella in #5
- Enabling lint to pass on all charts by @Andrea-Campanella in #7
- Increase grpc-web stream timeout to 1hr by @SeanCondon in #9
- Overriding the name to avoid DNS issues by @Andrea-Campanella in #10
- Update initial configuration for the gnmi simulator by @adibrastegarnia in #11
- Moved nginx config to Helm Chart rather than nginx.conf in the image by @SeanCondon in #12
- Added in onos-ran and ran-simulator and sd-ran-gui by @SeanCondon in #14
- add helm charts for onos-ztp by @adibrastegarnia in #13
- Updated for Atomix upgrade to v1beta1 by @SeanCondon in #15
- Allow SD-RAN GUI to connect to ran-simulator with no TLS by @SeanCondon in #17
- loading of ModelPlugins from docker image by @SeanCondon in #16
- Updated helm chart for passing Google API key to sd-ran-gui by @SeanCondon in #18
- Added in HO and MLB as separate applications by @SeanCondon in #19
- Load in atomix database when creating onos-ran by @SeanCondon in #20
- Add Helm chart for TLA+ conformance monitoring by @kuujo in #22
- Allow quotations inside TLA+ modules by @kuujo in #23
- Changes default counts for ran-simulator 3 UEs at start, max 300 by @SeanCondon in #24
- Docs changes for onos-ran -> onos-ric by @ray-milkey in #21
- onos-ran -> onos-ric transition by @ray-milkey in #25
- Instructions on how to install Influx DB in to the cluster by @SeanCondon in #26
- Update TLA+ monitoring Helm chart to use new flags by @kuujo in #27
- Add services to communicate with Prometheus by @woojoong88 in #30
- Small bugfix and add NodePort to directly access Web GUI by @woojoong88 in #28
- Add services for onos-ric, mlb app, and ran-sim exporters by @woojoong88 in #31
- Updated chart Values because of new params to ran-simulator by @SeanCondon in #32
- Change access for sd-ran-gui to onos-ric to SSL by @SeanCondon in #33
- Update TLA+ conformance monitor chart to support windowed model checking by @kuujo in #35
- Enable TLS on the simulator northbound by @ray-milkey in #36
- Added onos-ric and simulator services in to onos-gui services by @SeanCondon in #37
- Added a namespace env to ran-simulator by @SeanCondon in #38
- Added in to onos-gui a NAMESPACE env var by @SeanCondon in #39
- Removing obsolete parameter from start of onos-ric by @SeanCondon in #40
- Add Helm chart for deploying the Atomix controller by @kuujo in #41
- Add in Role and Role binding to ran-simulator so it can change services by @SeanCondon in #42
- Added in a Role and RoleBinding for onos-gui when accessing K8s API by @SeanCondon in #43
- Use 'scope' value to configure Atomix controller scope by @kuujo in #44
- Support configuration files in ONOS services by @kuujo in #45
- Remove the Helm Chart for the SD-RAN GUI - everything is in onos-gui now by @SeanCondon in #47
- Add tests for atomix-controller, onos-topo, onos-config, and onos-ric charts by @kuujo in #46
- Add NodePort service for ONOS-GUI by @woojoong88 in #48
- Added in the option to disable all HO event metric in ran-simulator by @SeanCondon in #50
- Add file-based configurations to services by @kuujo in #51
- ran-simulator mapview: Set defaults for map scaling by @SeanCondon in #52
- Added in the --enableMetrics flag for onos-ric, ho and mlb by @SeanCondon in #53
- Add umbrella chart and dependency checker by @woojoong88 in #49
- Update Helm chart tests to use helmit by @kuujo in #54
- Fix sd-ran helm chart to correct raft to consensus by @woojoong88 in #56
- Removed dependency for ran-simulator on onos-topo - fixed with retry by @SeanCondon in #57
- Added option to install onos-config by @SeanCondon in #58
- Add cache database to onos-ric chart by @kuujo in #59
- Added target to bump onos dependencies for go by @SeanCondon in #60
- Bump version of dependencies to v0.5.0 by @SeanCondon in #61
- Bump version of dependencies to v0.6.0 by @SeanCondon in #64
- Add helm chart for onos-classic. by @jonohart in #63
- Update Helm charts to use Atomix v1beta2 API by @kuujo in #66
- Add script for releasing Helm charts to GitHub Pages by @kuujo in #62
- Update dependencies when packaging for release by @kuujo in #67
- Setting the tags for images to a baseline for release v0.6.0 by @SeanCondon in #65
- Update Helm charts to use Atomix v1beta3 API by @kuujo in #68
- Update configmaps based on changes in the logging configuration by @adibrastegarnia in #69
- Overarching chart requirements by @kuujo in #70
- Use global values to configure stores in sd-ran chart by @kuujo in #73
- Fix bugs in chart tests by @kuujo in #74
- Ran-sim added a option to specify the towers config by @SeanCondon in #72
- Add optional NodePorts for services that might need to be exposed by @jonohart in #71
- Make nodePorts configurable by @kuujo in #75
- Update sd-ran chart dependencies for 0.0.2 release by @kuujo in #76
- Trigger integration test build on merge commits by @ray-milkey in #77
- Add badges for statuses and license by @ray-milkey in #78
- Update SD-RAN chart to automatically import SDRAN dashboard by @woojoong88 in #79
- Updated the versions of ran-simulator and onos-gui by @SeanCondon in #80
- Updated the version of sd-ran charts by @SeanCondon in #81
- Update versions of onos-ric, onos-ric-ho and onos-ric-mlb by @SeanCondon in #82
- Updated sd-ran for new versions of onos-ric, onos-ric-ho and onos-ric… by @SeanCondon in #83
- A simple tool to format the index.yaml in to a Markdown format by @SeanCondon in #84
- Call the index2md tool when releasing a Helm chart by @SeanCondon in #85
- Updated version of ran-simulator to 0.3.0 v0.6.2 by @SeanCondon in #86
- Updated ran-simulator again and fixed bug in release script by @SeanCondon in #87
- Updated version of onos-ric to 0.0.4 v0.6.3 by @shadansari in #88
- Updated sd-ran for new versions of onos-ric and ran-simulator by @shadansari in #89
- Updated version of onos-ric-mlb to 0.0.4 v0.6.3 by @shadansari in #90
- Updated sd-ran for new versions of onos-ric-ho, onos-ric-mlb by @shadansari in #91
- Updating onos-config after v0.6.1 release by @SeanCondon in #93
- Use raw githubusercontent for chart index updates by @kuujo in #92
- Updated ran-simulator to v0.6.3 and onos-ric to v0.6.4 and sd-ran too by @SeanCondon in #94
- Update Atomix dependency in onos-classic chart. by @jonohart in #95
- Update trigger-tests-travis by @ray-milkey in #97
- Change atomix controller addr; add HO parameters for new HO app by @woojoong88 in #96
- have the tutum/dnsutils pull only IfNotPresent by @SeanCondon in #98
- Badges moved to by @ray-milkey in #99
- Refactor triggering Travis jobs to use shared script by @ray-milkey in #100
- onos-cli: Added some topo and config YAML files for loading by @SeanCondon in #101
- Update the versions for helm charts by @SeanCondon in #103
- Update sd-ran charts to point at other new releases by @SeanCondon in #106
- VOL-3110: Added Liveliness probe for volta-apps. by @kdarapu in #102
- sd-ran: post install job populates onos-topo and onos-config by @SeanCondon in #107
- Update Atomix images in service charts by @kuujo in #108
- Update service image tags by @kuujo in #109
- Update sd-ran chart dependencies by @kuujo in #110
- Use v0.6.4 of helmit by @ray-milkey in #111
- For APP CLIs, add TLS keys and open K8s service for gRPC server port by @woojoong88 in #113
- Add a helm chart for stratum simulator by @adibrastegarnia in #116
- Use the sdran CLI in the full µONOS chart by @ray-milkey in #117
- Use StatefulSet for peer-to-peer communication in onos-ric chart by @kuujo in #114
- Removed the sd-ran charts by @SeanCondon in #118
- Updated umbrella chart to latest components of others by @SeanCondon in #119
- onos-cli: move mounted dir to /home/onos/config by @SeanCondon in #121
- Make the public umbrella chart test runnable and hook it up to the suite by @ray-milkey in #122
- Add chart version checking to verification step by @ray-milkey in #123
- Updating onos-gui to 0.6.8 by @SeanCondon in #126
- Adding in the Dex Identity Provider Helm chart Fixes #124 by @SeanCondon in #125
- Updated versions of onos-topo and onos-cli by @SeanCondon in #127
- Add the helm chart for ONOS-TOST by @hwchiu in #128
- Remove extraneous debug line by @ray-milkey in #132
- Template service/container ports by @hwchiu in #130
- Added Rsa public key to onos-topo by @SeanCondon in #129
- Revert "VOL-3110: Added Liveliness probe for volta-apps. (#102)" by @kuujo in #133
- onos-topo: Removed the value of openidc/issuer by @SeanCondon in #134
- onos-classic 0.1.4 by @SeanCondon in #135
- Hook up chart auto releaser by @ray-milkey in #136
- Release onos-cli chart version 0.0.7 by @ray-milkey in #137
- install helm by @ray-milkey in #138
- release onos-cli version 0.0.8 by @ray-milkey in #139
- Bump up CLI to version 0.0.9 by @ray-milkey in #140
- Only allow one chart to change per PR by @ray-milkey in #142
- Release chart version 0.0.10 for onos-cli by @ray-milkey in #144
- Release chart version 0.0.4 for onos-umbrella by @ray-milkey in #145
- Generate HTML from index.yaml by @SeanCondon in #141
- test by @ray-milkey in #146
- release onos-cli version 0.0.11 by @ray-milkey in #147
- Releasing new chart for onos-topo by @SeanCondon in #148
- Move the index2md tool into the build-tools repo by @ray-milkey in #149
- Release version 0.0.12 of onos-cli chart by @ray-milkey in #150
- Release version 0.0.10 of the onos-topo chart by @ray-milkey in #151
- Release version 0.0.13 of the onos-cli chart by @SeanCondon in #152
- Releasing version 0.0.5 of onos-umbrella chart by @SeanCondon in #153
- [AETHER-424] Push netcfg once ONOS is ready by @charlesmcchan in #154
- [AETHER-424] Make netcfg pusher optional by @charlesmcchan in #156
- Support pod-config under gerrit review by @charlesmcchan in #157
- Fixes to helm chart integration tests when using published charts by @ray-milkey in #158
- Update tost image to 1.0.0-b4 by @charlesmcchan in #159
- Add netcfghostprovider by @charlesmcchan in #160
- Update onos-config helm chart by @adibrastegarnia in #161
- Update onos umbrella chart to use new onos-config by @adibrastegarnia in #162
- bumo onos-config version in onos-umbrella chart by @adibrastegarnia in #163
- [VOL-2950][VOL-3110][AETHER-457] Make sure apps are all activated before marking the pod as ready by @charlesmcchan in #164
- Bump to onos-classis dependency to 0.1.5 by @charlesmcchan in #165
- Update topo config to entities by @shadansari in #168
- Support configurable config storage for onos-topo by @kuujo in #170
- Support configurable config storage for onos-config by @kuujo in #171
- Support configurable config storage for onos-umbrella chart by @kuujo in #172
- Fix default value of atomix controller service by @adibrastegarnia in #173
- revert change in atomix controller name by @adibrastegarnia in #174
- Wait all pods to be running. by @hwchiu in #166
- Update integration tests badge by @adibrastegarnia in #175
- Extend the post install job to create relations between devices by @SeanCondon in #176
- Upgrade GUI chart to 0.0.8 (image 0.6.9) by @SeanCondon in #177
- Umbrella chart 0.0.13 with GUI 0.0.8 by @SeanCondon in #178
- Improve readiness check with new health API introduced in ONOS 2.2.4 by @charlesmcchan in #179
- Upgrade to onos-classis 0.1.6 helm chart by @charlesmcchan in #180
- Fix Node Id by @adibrastegarnia in #181
- Update onos-umbrella chart to use new onos-config chart by @adibrastegarnia in #182
- Refactor integration tests to use shared constants by @ray-milkey in #183
- Bump up helmit version to v0.6.6 by @ray-milkey in #184
- onos-config: chart version 0.0.10 for tag 0.6.10 by @SeanCondon in #185
- Add startup probe to onos-config chart by @kuujo in #186
- Add startup probe to onos-topo chart by @kuujo in #187
- Update onos-umbrella chart to use new probes by @kuujo in #188
- Separate the required versions of the model plugins from onos-config by @ray-milkey in #189
- Fix argument list for new plugin structure by @ray-milkey in #191
- Umbrella config plugins by @ray-milkey in #192
- Support custom log4j2 config and annotations via helm value by @charlesmcchan in #190
- Enable custom logging and annotation. Upgrade to tost/tost:1.0.0 by @charlesmcchan in #193
- Update default onos-topo image to v0.6.16 to ensure probe fixes are present by @kuujo in #194
- Update default onos-config image to v0.6.12 to ensure probe fixes are present by @kuujo in #195
- Update onos-umbrella chart dependencies to use onos-config and onos-topo releases by @kuujo in #196
- Move onos-config model plugins to initContainers by @kuujo in #197
- Bump to version 0.0.15 of onos-config by @ray-milkey in #198
- Update onos-topo chart to release v0.6.17 by @kuujo in #199
- Update onos-config chart to release v0.6.13 by @kuujo in #200
- Update onos-umbrella chart's default values to use kube-system Atomix controllers by @kuujo in #202
- Don't run release build steps on forks by @ray-milkey in #203
- Fix stage names; suppress noisy output by @ray-milkey in #204
- Expose 6653 port on each node through NodePort to allow OF Master/Standby connection by @Andrea-Campanella in #201
- Bump tost image to 1.0.1-b2. Enable fabric-tna by @charlesmcchan in #205
- Releasing 0.0.17 or onos-config for image v0.6.14 by @SeanCondon in #206
- Releasing onos-umbrella 0.0.20 by @SeanCondon in #207
- Bump tost image to 1.0.1 by @pierventre in #208
- Bump device simulator version by @adibrastegarnia in #209
- Template the secret name to avoid from conflict by @hwchiu in #210
- bump device simulator version to v0.6.3 by @adibrastegarnia in #212
- Make org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg writtable by @charlesmcchan in #213
- Use onos-classic 0.1.9 in onos-tost by @charlesmcchan in #214
- Add debug log when running config scripts by @charlesmcchan in #215
- Passing java_opts as parameter from values.yaml by @Andrea-Campanella in #211
- tost: load INT app by default by @ccascone in #216
- Add support for private Docker registries to onos-topo chart by @kuujo in #217
- Add support for private Docker registries to onos-config chart by @kuujo in #218
- [AETHER-939] Fix readiness/liveness probes by @hwchiu in #223
- Update tost-onos dependency by @hwchiu in #224
- Update the default image tag by @hwchiu in #225
- Enable dhcprelay in TOST by default by @charlesmcchan in #226
- Bump onos-topo to version v0.6.20 by @ray-milkey in #228
- onos-cli 0.0.14 for image v0.6.15 by @SeanCondon in #229
- Releasing onos-gui 0.0.9 for v0.6.11 by @SeanCondon in #230
- Releasing onos-umbrella 0.0.21 by @SeanCondon in #231
- Update model plugins for onos-config by @adibrastegarnia in #232
- Update onos-umbrella chart to use new version of onos-config chart by @adibrastegarnia in #233
- Update onos-config to version 0.6.18 by @ray-milkey in #234
- Update chart to onos-topo version v0.6.21 by @ray-milkey in #235
- Bump onos-cli version to v0.6.16 by @ray-milkey in #236
- Update versions of config, topo, cli by @ray-milkey in #237
- Remove running integration tests on merge commits by @ray-milkey in #238
- Update onos-umbrella chart to support persistent volumes for Raft databases by @kuujo in #239
- Release version 1.0.0 of onos-e2topo by @ray-milkey in #241
- Release version 1.0.0 of onos-config by @ray-milkey in #242
- onos-gui: chart 1.0.0 for v0.7.0 by @SeanCondon in #243
- onos-cli: Releasing 1.0.0 by @SeanCondon in #244
- onos-topo: correcting SSL cert by @SeanCondon in #245
- onos-topo: user short name in Cert by @SeanCondon in #246
- Bump version of onos-topo to v0.7.1 by @ray-milkey in #247
- Bump version of onos-config to v0.7.1 by @ray-milkey in #248
- Bump versions of onos-config and onos-topo by @ray-milkey in #249
- Few optimizations for ONOS clustered mode by @charlesmcchan in #251
- Bump CLI version to v0.7.2 by @ray-milkey in #252
- Umbrella Chart for Dex, LDAP and an LDAP GUI by @SeanCondon in #253
- dex-ldap-umbrella: add in extra LDAP users by @SeanCondon in #254
- onos-gui: add cors for auth header by @SeanCondon in #255
- Releasing onos-config 1.0.2 for v0.7.3 by @SeanCondon in #256
- Releasing Dex chart 0.1.1 by @SeanCondon in #257
- dex-ldap-umbrella: remove email from login window by @SeanCondon in #258
- Pull build-tools if not present by @ray-milkey in #259
- onos-config: releasing 1.0.3 for v0.7.6 by @SeanCondon in #261
- Shorten ONOS cluster ID by @charlesmcchan in #260
- Add Jenkins build target by @ray-milkey in #262
- Call chart merge script from Makefile by @ray-milkey in #263
- Add jenkins-publish target by @ray-milkey in #264
- No need for publish target by @ray-milkey in #265
- Fix references to website user and password varibles by @ray-milkey in #266
- Bump version to test Jenkins publishing by @ray-milkey in #267
- Disable Travis jobs by @ray-milkey in #268
- Rev ztp chart to trigger Jenkins by @ray-milkey in #269
- Rev ztp chart to trigger Jenkins by @ray-milkey in #270
- dex-ldap-umbrella: Releasing 0.1.3 by @SeanCondon in #271
- onos-config: releasing 1.0.4 for v0.7.7 by @SeanCondon in #272
- dex-ldap-umbrella: releasing 0.1.4 by @SeanCondon in #273
- onos-gui: Releasing 1.0.2 for v0.7.1 by @SeanCondon in #274
- onos-umbrella: releasing 0.0.26 by @SeanCondon in #275
- Fix chart version check for Jenkins by @ray-milkey in #277
- Remove debugging echo from version checker invocation by @ray-milkey in #280
- Bump onos-classic dependency to 0.1.12 by @charlesmcchan in #286
- onos-cli: Releasing chart 1.0.2 for v0.7.4 by @SeanCondon in #287
- onos-topo: releasing 1.0.4 for v0.7.3 by @SeanCondon in #288
- onos-umbrella: releasing 0.0.27 by @SeanCondon in #289
- Add ietf config model chart by @kuujo in #283
- onos-cli: Releasing 1.0.3 for v0.7.6 by @SeanCondon in #290
- Add chart for OpenConfig based config models by @kuujo in #284
- Add devicesim config model chart by @kuujo in #285
- Bump IETF model to 1.0.1 by @ray-milkey in #291
- Update dependency in openconfig model chart to use released dependency version by @kuujo in #292
- Update dependency in devicesim model chart to use published dependencies by @kuujo in #294
- Migrate onos-config chart to new model plugins by @kuujo in #282
- Fix casing of plugin type name in Devicesim model chart by @kuujo in #295
- Add Helm chart for onos-operator with config/topo controllers by @kuujo in #281
- Bump operator chart version to trigger publishing by @ray-milkey in #297
- Remove staging directory and bump operator version by @ray-milkey in #298
- Bumped onos-cli to v0.7.7 by @tomikazi in #296
- Remove IETF model chart by @kuujo in #299
- Remove OpenConfig model chart by @kuujo in #300
- Add TestDevice config model by @kuujo in #302
- Refactor devicesim model chart to list modules and files separately by @kuujo in #301
- TestDevice model version 2.0.0 by @kuujo in #303
- Update onos-config chart to default to release v0.7.10 by @kuujo in #304
- Repair TestDevice 1.0.0 chart by @kuujo in #306
- Using a constant for app label by @teone in #307
- Move testdevice 2.x model to separate folder by @kuujo in #309
- Move testdevice chart to versioned folder by @kuujo in #308
- Add chart for Stratum 1.x model by @kuujo in #310
- Add chart for Aether 1.x model by @kuujo in #311
- Add chart for Aether 2.x model by @kuujo in #312
- Update onos-operator chart with new CRD changes by @kuujo in #305
- Add E2Node 1.0.0 model chart by @kuujo in #313
- Update onos-config to use model CRDs by @kuujo in #315
- Add Rbac 1.0.0 model chart by @kuujo in #314
- onos-config: Expose 5151 for modelregistry on service by @SeanCondon in #316
- onos-cli: releasing 1.0.5 for v0.7.8 by @SeanCondon in #317
- Update onos-config image to v0.7.11 for onos-config-model API version v0.3.0 by @kuujo in #318
- Update plugin compiler version in onos-config chart by @kuujo in #320
- Update onos-config chart to 1.1.4 in onos-umbrella by @kuujo in #321
- Make storage class configurable for onos-config plugin cache by @kuujo in #322
- onos-gui: Releasing 1.0.3 for v0.7.2 by @SeanCondon in #324
- onos-gui: Releasing 1.0.4 by @SeanCondon in #325
- onos-umbrella: releasing 0.1.2 by @SeanCondon in #326
- Update onos-config chart defaults and simplify maintenance by @kuujo in #327
- Add default config models to onos-umbrella chart by @kuujo in #328
- Update onos-config model compiler to v0.4.1 by @kuujo in #329
- Update onos-config chart to 1.1.7 in onos-umbrella by @kuujo in #330
- Update onos-operator chart to use v0.4.1 images by @kuujo in #331
- onos-config v0.7.14 by @ray-milkey in #332
- onos-umbrella v1.1.8 by @ray-milkey in #333
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.9 for v0.7.15 by @SeanCondon in #334
- onos-umbrella: releasing 0.1.6 by @SeanCondon in #335
- Change onos-config compiler default version to v0.4.3 by @kuujo in #336
- Update onos-config chart to 1.1.10 by @kuujo in #337
- Aether-2.x - fix plugin name by @SeanCondon in #338
- aether-2.0.0 model - updating YANGs to latest by @SeanCondon in #339
- rbac-1.0.0 config model: updating YANG to latest by @SeanCondon in #340
- config-models/rbac 1.0.2 fix quotes by @SeanCondon in #341
- config-models/rbac: Releasing 1.0.3 Fixing reference by @SeanCondon in #342
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.11 for v0.7.16 by @SeanCondon in #343
- testdevice-1.0.0 releasing 1.0.1 by @SeanCondon in #344
- testdevice-2.0.0 releasing 2.0.1 by @SeanCondon in #345
- aether-1.0.0 releasing 1.0.1 by @SeanCondon in #346
- aether-2.0.0 releasing 2.1.1 by @SeanCondon in #347
- onos-umbrella: releasing 0.1.8 by @SeanCondon in #348
- Bump up cli image and chart version by @woojoong88 in #349
- config-models: removing duplicated and obsolete models by @SeanCondon in #351
- Bump up ONOS CLI to support PCI CLI by @woojoong88 in #352
- testdevice-1.0.0 releasing 1.0.2 - fixing bug in the _helpers by @SeanCondon in #353
- testdevice-2.0.0 releasing 2.0.2 - fixing bug in _helpers by @SeanCondon in #354
- stratum-1.0.0 releasing 1.0.1 - fixed bug in _helpers by @SeanCondon in #355
- devicesim-1.0.0 releasing 1.0.4 by @SeanCondon in #356
- Test config model aliases by @ray-milkey in #358
- No pushd/popd in makefiles by @ray-milkey in #359
- r0.1.11 by @ray-milkey in #360
- r0.1.12 by @ray-milkey in #361
- r0.0.5 by @ray-milkey in #362
- onos-umbrella: releasing 0.1.9 - remove aether models by @SeanCondon in #357
- dex-ldap-umbrella: adding AetherROCAdmin by @SeanCondon in #364
- dex-ldap-umbrella: releasing 0.1.6 by @SeanCondon in #365
- remove liveliness probes on onos-cli by @al8 in #363
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.12 for v0.7.17 by @SeanCondon in #366
- Periodically push the netcfg instead of one time push by @hwchiu in #368
- Should check ONOS's liveness before calling it by @hwchiu in #369
- Update CLI image to support KPIMON v1 and v2 by @woojoong88 in #370
- onos-gui: change Nodeport to 31190 by @SeanCondon in #371
- testdevice-1.0.0 adding new extra YANG for extra test cases. Releasing 1.0.3 by @SeanCondon in #373
- testdevice-2.0.3 tidying up model. Adding tree view by @SeanCondon in #374
- stratum model: adding tree. Releasing 1.0.2 by @SeanCondon in #375
- devicesim-1.0.0 - adding tree file - releasing 1.0.5 by @SeanCondon in #376
- onos-umbrella: releasing 0.1.14 by @SeanCondon in #377
- Bump onos-config version to v0.7.18 by @ray-milkey in #378
- Release version 1.1.0 by @ray-milkey in #379
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.14 for v0.7.19 by @SeanCondon in #380
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.1 by @SeanCondon in #381
- Update atomix dependency by @pierventre in #372
- Correctly selecting PODs for the OpenFlow NodePorts by @teone in #382
- Bump onos-tost dependency and update app version by @pierventre in #383
- Use the value for app label instead of hardcode by @hwchiu in #385
- Fix the label by @hwchiu in #384
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.15 for v0.7.20 by @SeanCondon in #386
- Allow specifying an alternate registry for onos-cli by @ray-milkey in #387
- Bump up CLI to version 1.0.10 by @ray-milkey in #388
- CLI version v0.7.12 by @ray-milkey in #390
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.16 for v0.7.22 by @SeanCondon in #391
- Remove reference to deprecated Ingress API by @ray-milkey in #389
- Remove deprecated Ingress definition from onos-config by @ray-milkey in #392
- Remove deprecated Ingress definition from onos-topo by @ray-milkey in #393
- Use global image registry for config operator image by @ray-milkey in #394
- Pass global image registry to the operator through the environment by @ray-milkey in #395
- Allow GUI images to use an alternate registry by @ray-milkey in #396
- release v0.4.2 of onos-operator by @ray-milkey in #397
- Bump dependencies on topo, config, gui, and cli by @ray-milkey in #398
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.18 for v0.7.24 by @SeanCondon in #399
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.4 by @SeanCondon in #400
- Update helmit to v0.6.11 by @ray-milkey in #401
- Fix default image name for topo by @ray-milkey in #403
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.19 for v0.7.25 by @SeanCondon in #404
- onos-gui: releasing 1.0.8 to change NodePort number by @SeanCondon in #405
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.5 by @SeanCondon in #406
- [AETHER-1265] Integrate Java profiler in TOST env by @pierventre in #407
- [AETHER-1265] Integrate java profiler in TOST env by @pierventre in #408
- onos-config and model-registry should use same version of onos-api by @SeanCondon in #412
- Bumping onos-cli to v0.7.14 by @tomikazi in #413
- Bumping dependency on onos-topo v0.7.4 by @tomikazi in #415
- onos-config: releasing 1.1.21 by @SeanCondon in #416
- onos-topo: releasing 1.0.8 for v0.7.5 by @SeanCondon in #417
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.6 by @SeanCondon in #418
- Bump chart version to trigger publishing by @ray-milkey in #420
- Bump TOST chart version to trigger publishing by @ray-milkey in #421
- Bump reference to onos-classic chart by @ray-milkey in #422
- Refactor the config pod to support the readiness by @hwchiu in #419
- v0.7.6 of onos-topo by @ray-milkey in #423
- onos-config v0.7.28 by @ray-milkey in #424
- Add Atomix v2beta1 Store and primitives for topo store by @kuujo in #425
- Check ONOS netcfg more strictly by @hwchiu in #426
- Bump TOST chart version to trigger publishing by @hwchiu in #427
- Add Atomix v2beta1 Store to onos-umbrella chart by @kuujo in #428
- Fix the restartPolicy for deployment workload by @hwchiu in #429
- Fix the logic error by @hwchiu in #430
- Limit onos-topo access to onos-topo-objects primitive by @kuujo in #431
- Add Atomix v2beta1 store+primitives to onos-config chart by @kuujo in #432
- Update onos-config dependency to support Atomix v2beta1 API in onos-umbrella chart by @kuujo in #433
- Fix how integration tests bring up Atomix by @ray-milkey in #434
- Use public charts for onos-topo tests by @ray-milkey in #436
- Enable host probing provider to support dual-homing by @charlesmcchan in #437
- Bumping onos-cli to v0.7.16 by @tomikazi in #435
- stratum model - change state mode by @SeanCondon in #439
- Enhance the regex matching rule, specific for MAC address by @hwchiu in #440
- open-config: adding OpenPolicyAgent as a sidecar by @SeanCondon in #441
- onos-config: minor adjustment to openpolicyagent by @SeanCondon in #442
- Bumps onos-cli to add support to kpimon nbi API by @raphaelvrosa in #444
- Update onos-config image to v0.8.0 by @kuujo in #443
- Update onos-topo to v0.7.7 by @kuujo in #445
- Fix value name in onos-topo chart by @kuujo in #449
- dex-ldap-umbrella: added extra users by @SeanCondon in #446
- Fix value name in onos-config chart by @kuujo in #450
- Bumping onos-cli to v0.7.17 by @raphaelvrosa in #451
- onos-config: releasing 1.2.0 for v0.8.2 by @SeanCondon in #452
- Complete migration of onos-umbrella chart to Atomix v2beta1 API by @kuujo in #447
- Releasing onos-operator v0.4.4 chart by @tomikazi in #438
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.10 for onos-config:v0.8.2 by @SeanCondon in #453
- onos-config: releasing 1.2.1 for v0.8.3 by @SeanCondon in #454
- publish cli chart by @woojoong88 in #455
- 1.1.11 to test CI by @ray-milkey in #456
- Update to onos-operator chart to v0.4.4 resources by @andybavier in #457
- helmit 0.6.13 by @ray-milkey in #458
- Bump timeouts on integration tests by @ray-milkey in #459
- Bumping onos-topo to v0.7.8 by @tomikazi in #460
- Bumping onos-cli to v0.7.20 by @tomikazi in #461
- Releasing onos-cli v0.7.22 by @tomikazi in #462
- dex-ldap-umbrella: releasing 0.1.18 by @SeanCondon in #463
- Releasing v1.0.19 onos-cli chart by @tomikazi in #464
- dex-ldap-umbrella: add examples of adding new org by @SeanCondon in #466
- onos-config: releasing 1.2.2 for v0.8.4 by @SeanCondon in #467
- Releasing v0.7.23 onos-cli by @tomikazi in #469
- Update topo operator to support deleting namespaces by @kuujo in #468
- Released onos-cli v1.0.21 by @tomikazi in #470
- Bumping onos-cli to v0.7.27 by @tomikazi in #471
- Releasing onos-cli 1.0.23 by @tomikazi in #473
- Releasing onos-topo 1.0.15 by @tomikazi in #472
- update cli image version by @woojoong88 in #475
- onos-config: rearranging openpolicyagent and releasing 1.2.3 by @SeanCondon in #474
- dex-ldap-umbrella: upgrading to dex v2.29.0 by @SeanCondon in #476
- Releasing onos-cli v0.7.31 by @tomikazi in #477
- onos-cli: releasing 1.0.26 for v0.7.32 by @SeanCondon in #478
- Releasing onos-topo v0.7.10 by @tomikazi in #479
- Feature/onos config loader by @teone in #480
- Releasing onos-cli v0.7.33 by @tomikazi in #481
- Replace config loader's container image. by @hwchiu in #482
- Post release bump to chart version 1.3.0 by @ray-milkey in #488
- Post release bump to chart version 1.1.0 by @ray-milkey in #489
- Post release bump to chart version 1.1.0 by @ray-milkey in #487
- Post release bump to chart version 1.1.0 by @ray-milkey in #486
- Releasing v0.4.6 of onos-operator chart(s) by @tomikazi in #490
- Releasing v0.8.0 of onos-topo by @tomikazi in #491
- Releasing CLI v0.8.1 by @tomikazi in #492
- Releasing onos-cli v0.8.2 by @tomikazi in #493
- [SDFAB-432] Remove inband-telemetry by @pierventre in #495
- Remove unused flag, enable the config pod if either netcfg or component is set. by @hwchiu in #496
- Releasing onos-topo v0.8.1 by @Tweoss in #497
- [SDFAB-431] - Remove the config pod by @hwchiu in #498
- Bump onos-cli chart to 1.1.2 by @shadansari in #499
- Augmenting entity/relation schema to support separate URI IDs by @tomikazi in #500
- bump up cli image version by @woojoong88 in #502
- Update onos-topo chart to use atomix-raft-storage v2beta2 API by @kuujo in #503
- Update onos-config chart to use atomix-raft-storage v2beta2 API by @kuujo in #504
- Update onos-umbrella chart to use Atomix Raft v2beta2 API by @kuujo in #505
- Resource limits by @breathbath in #501
- Releasing v0.4.8 of operator charts by @tomikazi in #506
- AETHER-2099 config-model: testdevice-1.0.0 update for testing by @SeanCondon in #507
- Bump up onos-topo image 0.8.3 by @woojoong88 in #508
- Bump up cli image 0.8.6 by @woojoong88 in #509
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.2 for v0.9.0 by @SeanCondon in #512
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.13 by @SeanCondon in #513
- AETHER-2120 add 'getStateMode' back in to 'Model' CRD by @SeanCondon in #514
- Remove refs to travis from docs by @shadansari in #515
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.3 for v0.9.1 by @SeanCondon in #516
- config-models: Making testdevice-1.0.0 model compliant with RFC-8407 by @SeanCondon in #517
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.4 for v0.9.2 by @SeanCondon in #518
- onos-cli: releasing 1.1.6 for v0.8.7 added jq util by @SeanCondon in #520
- AETHER-2125 adding 389ds chart by @SeanCondon in #521
- AETHER-2125 create KeyCloak & 389 Helm Chart by @SeanCondon in #519
- [SDFAB-554] Update atomix dependency by @pierventre in #522
- [SDFAB-554] Set resource limits for tost pods by @pierventre in #523
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.5 for v0.9.3 and plugin compiler v1.0.1 by @SeanCondon in #525
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.14 by @SeanCondon in #526
- Adding app-operator subchart for onos-operator chart by @tomikazi in #527
- Bumping operator to version v0.4.11 by @tomikazi in #529
- [VOL-4388] Fix ONOS-classic statefulset podAntiAffinity configuration by @teone in #531
- Update topo image by @woojoong88 in #533
- Update cli image version by @woojoong88 in #532
- Bumped onos-topo to v0.8.7 by @tomikazi in #534
- Bumping CLI dependency to v0.8.11 by @tomikazi in #535
- Bumping onos-topo to v0.8.8 by @tomikazi in #536
- Releasing onos-topo v0.8.9 by @tomikazi in #537
- Releasing onos-topo v0.8.10 by @tomikazi in #538
- Bumped the onos-operator versions to v0.4.12 by @tomikazi in #539
- release onos-cli by @adibrastegarnia in #540
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.6 for v0.9.4 controller changes by @SeanCondon in #541
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.7 for v0.9.6 by @SeanCondon in #542
- onos-cli: releasing 1.1.10 for v0.8.14 by @SeanCondon in #543
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.15 for new config, topo and cli by @SeanCondon in #544
- Releasing onos-topo v0.8.11 by @tomikazi in #545
- Releasing onos-cli v0.8.15 by @tomikazi in #546
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.8 for v0.9.7 by @SeanCondon in #547
- Releasing operator v0.4.13 by @tomikazi in #548
- Update onos-topo chart to v0.8.13 by @kuujo in #549
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.9 for v0.9.8 and reverting to config-model v1.0.1 by @SeanCondon in #550
- onos-umbrella: releasing 1.1.16 for onos-config 1.3.9 (v0.9.8) by @SeanCondon in #551
- onos-config: releasing 1.3.10 for v0.9.9 fix gnmi by @SeanCondon in #552
- AETHER-2626 start up of keycloak-389-umbrella failures by @SeanCondon in #557
- AETHER-2626 keycloak-389-umbrella problems again by @SeanCondon in #558
- onos-config: releasing 1.4.0 for v0.10.0 by @SeanCondon in #559
- onos-config: releasing 1.4.1 for v0.10.1 by @SeanCondon in #560
- Post release bump to chart version 1.2.0 by @ray-milkey in #555
- Post release bump to chart version 1.2.0 by @ray-milkey in #553
- config-models: Updated TestDevice 2.0.0 YANG to pass linting by @SeanCondon in #561
- AETHER-2600: Add PSP to onos-classic chart by @frouzbeh in #563
- onos-config: releasing 1.4.2 for v0.10.2 by @SeanCondon in #565
- using sleep of 60 secs by @prateeksarda in #564
- Add pod IP and pod ID env variable by @adibrastegarnia in #566
- v0.10.5 onos-config by @ray-milkey in #567
- Update umbrella to v0.10.5 onos-config by @ray-milkey in #568
- keycloak-389-umbrella: change startup to retry by @SeanCondon in #569
- Update for onos-topo image v0.9.2 by @ray-milkey in #570
- umbrella update for topo v0.9.2 by @ray-milkey in #571
- Release onos-config v0.10.6 by @ray-milkey in #572
- Update umbrella chart for onos-config v0.10.6 by @ray-milkey in #573
- onos-config: releasing 1.4.6 for v0.10.7 by @SeanCondon in #574
- Use relative paths for subcharts; remove aliases by @ray-milkey in #575
- Fix: mitigate the issues identified in CVE-2021-44228 by log4j2 by @Andrea-Campanella in #577
- Run all test targets on Jenkins by @ray-milkey in #578
- Add configuration and transaction store primitives by @adibrastegarnia in #580
- [SDRAN-1384] Initial sidecar deployment for model plugins by @teone in #579
- Fixed a few issues in the new onos-config deployment. by @tomikazi in #581
- onos-umbrella: Adding REGO rule for Devicesim-1.0.0 by @SeanCondon in #582
- Update karaf version by @pierventre in #583
- [AETHER-2815] Adding parameter to enable the new plugin registry in O… by @teone in #585
- Using latest released onos-config version by @teone in #586
- Devicesim: fix REGO rule for system by @SeanCondon in #587
- [SDRAN-1426] New plugin format by @teone in #588
- Feature/plugins by @teone in #589
- Fix publishing problem related to new yq version by @ray-milkey in #590
- Bumping CLI to v0.9.3 by @tomikazi in #591
- Delete ' by @ray-milkey in #592
- Fixing plugins docker image names and keys by @tomikazi in #593
- Fixing config chart plugin names by @tomikazi in #594
- Pruned out old-style config model files for devicesim, testdevice-[12].x by @tomikazi in #584
- Released onos-config:1.5.10 with new 0.5.1 plugins by @tomikazi in #595
- Updating charts for the latest config and CLI; contains breaking API … by @tomikazi in #596
- Rename device simulator rego package to match plugin by @ray-milkey in #597
- [SDRAN-1465] Removing onos-config-operator code by @teone in #598
- Removing last reference to CRD by @teone in #599
- Using latest plugin in onos-config chart by @teone in #600
- Removing unused usePluginRegistry param by @teone in #601
- Fixing rego rules in ONOS Umbrella by @teone in #602
- Release version v0.10.17 of onos-config by @ray-milkey in #603
- Add proposals primitive to onos-config by @kuujo in #604
- Releasing onos-cli v0.9.7 by @tomikazi in #606
- Bumped CLI and topo to make new relations filter capabilities available by @tomikazi in #607
- Increase log levels for gRPC retry loggers to ERROR by @kuujo in #611
- Using the latest plugin in onos-config by @teone in #610
- Releasing onos-cli v0.9.10 and onos-config v0.10.21 by @tomikazi in #612
- Releasing onos-config v0.10.23 by @tomikazi in #613
- Releasing onos-config v0.10.24 by @tomikazi in #614
- Update atomix dependency to 3.1.12 by @pierventre in #609
- Releasing onos-config v0.10.26 by @tomikazi in #615
- Fix onos-classic chart by using 2.5.7-rc1 tag by @pierventre in #616
- Update onos-config chart to v0.10.27 by @kuujo in #617
- Specify a specific version of onos-proxy to load from the operator by @ray-milkey in #618
- Update onos-topo and onos-config versions by @ray-milkey in #619
- CLI v0.9.11 by @ray-milkey in #620
- Post release bump to chart version 1.3.0 by @ray-milkey in #623
- Post release bump to chart version 1.7.0 by @ray-milkey in #622
- Post release bump to chart version 1.3.0 by @ray-milkey in #621
- version bumps for post release 1.4 by @ray-milkey in #624
- Enable reuse license check by @ray-milkey in #627
- Go test files had python style license headers by @ray-milkey in #628
- Bump to latest versions of model plugins by @ray-milkey in #629
- onos-config: bump version to 1.7.4 for v0.10.29 by @SeanCondon in #630
- Fix security context profile by @ray-milkey in #631
- onos-config v0.10.30 by @ray-milkey in #632
- onos-config: bump to version 1.7.6 for v0.10.32 by @SeanCondon in #633
- onos-config 1.7.7 for v0.10.33 - get targets RBAC by @SeanCondon in #634
- Bump CLI to version v0.9.12 by @ray-milkey in #635
- Release new versions of onos-topo and onos-cli by @ray-milkey in #636
- Disable GUI by default for micro onos by @ray-milkey in #638
- Bump to version 1.2.25 by @ray-milkey in #639
- release v0.6.6 simulator by @ray-milkey in #640
- Release version v0.5.1 of operators by @adibrastegarnia in #641
- onos-config: update model plugins to latest versions by @SeanCondon in #642
- onos-config: releasing 1.7.9 for v0.10.37 by @SeanCondon in #643
- Fix stratum simulator chart by @adibrastegarnia in #644
- Add helm chart for wcmp-app by @adibrastegarnia in #645
- Version v0.5.2 by @adibrastegarnia in #646
- onos-topo 1.3.5 for v0.9.6 by @SeanCondon in #647
- Add plugins to wcmp app helm chart by @adibrastegarnia in #648
- Add wcmp-app to umbrella chart and disable by default by @adibrastegarnia in #649
- Adding fabric-sim helm chart by @tomikazi in #650
- Adding ports to service.yaml by @tomikazi in #651
- Enable pipeline config store by @adibrastegarnia in #653
- device-provisioner helm chart by @adibrastegarnia in #654
- Bump up CLI version by @woojoong88 in #656
- Add new data stores to device-provisioner app by @adibrastegarnia in #655
- Use Always for multi-raft-node storage by @adibrastegarnia in #658
- device-provisioner v0.0.9 by @adibrastegarnia in #659
- Add helm chart for topo discovery subsystem by @adibrastegarnia in #660
- Update device-provisioner app by @adibrastegarnia in #661
- device-provisioner v0.0.6 by @adibrastegarnia in #663
- update plugins by @adibrastegarnia in #664
- update topo discovery chart by @adibrastegarnia in #668
- update topo discovery version in umbrella chart by @adibrastegarnia in #669
- Bumping onos-cli, onos-topo and fabric-sim versions by @tomikazi in #670
- Update onos-topo version by @adibrastegarnia in #671
- Releasing v0.1.3 of fabric-sim by @tomikazi in #672
- Bumping fsim to v0.1.4 by @tomikazi in #673
- Update topo discovery and onos-topo by @adibrastegarnia in #674
- Update onos-config image by @adibrastegarnia in #675
- Releasing v0.1.5 by @tomikazi in #676
- Onos classic configurability by @RandyLevensalor in #666
- Add prefix env for plugins by @adibrastegarnia in #677
- Bumped onos-cli to 1.3.7 by @tomikazi in #678
- Bumping fabric-sim to v0.1.6 by @tomikazi in #680
- Bumping onos-cli to v1.3.7 by @tomikazi in #681
- Bumping fabric-sim to v0.1.7 by @tomikazi in #682
- topo-discovery v0.0.7 by @adibrastegarnia in #683
- Releasing v0.1.8 by @tomikazi in #684
- Bumping fabric-sim and onos-cli by @tomikazi in #685
- Fix setting PREFIXED env variable by @adibrastegarnia in #686
- Bumping fabric-sim to v0.1.10 by @tomikazi in #687
- Bumping fabric-sim version by @tomikazi in #688
- Bumping fabric-sim to v0.1.12 by @tomikazi in #691
- Bumping fabric-sim and onos-cli versions by @tomikazi in #692
- Owner reference by @frouzbeh in #689
- Bumping fabric-sim and onos-cli with simulator stats by @tomikazi in #693
- Migrate onos-topo and onos-config to Atomix runtime by @kuujo in #690
- cert manager update by @badhrinathpa in #679
- removing onos-gui (obsolete) by @SeanCondon in #695
- fixing jenkins publish with go install by @SeanCondon in #696
- onos-umbrella 1.3.3 by @SeanCondon in #697
- Fix indent of fabric-sim deployment by @yi-tseng-intel in #694
- Added link-local-agent chart for integration tests purposes by @tomikazi in #698
- Fixing service port for LLA by @tomikazi in #699
- Bumped link-agent, onos-topo and onos-cli by @tomikazi in #700
- Bumping fabric-sim by @tomikazi in #701
- Refactoring provisioner startup by @tomikazi in #702
- Update topo image version by @woojoong88 in #703
- onos-config 0.11.3 adding in gNMI Size limit by @SeanCondon in #704
- Add labels for Atomix sidecar proxy injection by @kuujo in #705
- Updated topo-discovery and fixed issues in device-provisioner charts by @tomikazi in #706
- Fixed topo-discovery chart by @tomikazi in #707
- Releasing new versions of fabric-sim, link-agent and topo-discovery by @tomikazi in #709
- fix device provisioner helm chart by @adibrastegarnia in #711
- Using released onos-config with cascading delete functionality by @Andrea-Campanella in #710
- Add device-provisioner and topo discovery to umbrella chart by @adibrastegarnia in #712
- Fsim by @tomikazi in #715
- update onos-topo chart for new atomix changes by @adibrastegarnia in #714
- Updated device-provisioner chart to work with new Atomix SDK by @tomikazi in #716
- correct onos-topo chart version to 1.5.0 by @adibrastegarnia in #717
- Fixed device-provisioner storageprofile.yaml by @tomikazi in #718
- Renamed link-local-agent to discovery-agent by @tomikazi in #719
- Renamed link-agent to discovery-agent by @tomikazi in #720
- Fix device provisioner chart-atomix store by @adibrastegarnia in #721
- Bumped discovery-agent, topo-discovery version; enabled by default in… by @tomikazi in #722
- Created initial scale-sim umbrella chart for fabric-sim and discovery… by @tomikazi in #723
- Removed fullnameOverride for device-provisioner and topo-discovery by @tomikazi in #724
- Add fabric underlay helm chart by @adibrastegarnia in #725
- Update onos-config image tag by @frouzbeh in #727
- Bumping fabric-sim, discovery-agent, etc.; refining scale-sim deployment by @tomikazi in #726
- Updated CLI, discovery umbrella by @tomikazi in #728
- Updated onos-config with new image tag by @frouzbeh in #729
- Corrected domains in simulated topologies by @tomikazi in #730
- Updated scale-sim script; enhanced topo-discovery to support cross-do… by @tomikazi in #731
- Enhanced scale-sim script to allow gradual deployments and also teardown by @tomikazi in #732
- bump device-provisioner to 1.2.12 by @adibrastegarnia in #733
- Bump fabric-sim to 1.0.8 by @pierventre in #734
- Bumping topo-discovery by @tomikazi in #735
- Add realm underlay app by @adibrastegarnia in #736
- Enhanced scale-sim script slightly by @tomikazi in #738
- Bumping discovery agent by @tomikazi in #739
- Bumped topo-discovery by @tomikazi in #740
- keycload adding port 31194 for roc-gui by @SeanCondon in #741
- Update Chart.yaml by @ray-milkey in #742
- update Open Policy Agent by @SeanCondon in #744
- Update onos-config chart to v1.1.0 by @kuujo in #745
- onos-umbrella 1.3.31 for onos-config 1.8.12 by @SeanCondon in #746
- Update version of the onos-proxy image by @ray-milkey in #747
- bump up topo and cli by @woojoong88 in #748
- github action version check fix by @woojoong88 in #751
New Contributors
- @Andrea-Campanella made their first contribution in #2
- @adibrastegarnia made their first contribution in #11
- @kuujo made their first contribution in #22
- @ray-milkey made their first contribution in #21
- @woojoong88 made their first contribution in #30
- @jonohart made their first contribution in #63
- @shadansari made their first contribution in #88
- @kdarapu made their first contribution in #102
- @hwchiu made their first contribution in #128
- @charlesmcchan made their first contribution in #154
- @pierventre made their first contribution in #208
- @ccascone made their first contribution in #216
- @tomikazi made their first contribution in #296
- @teone made their first contribution in #307
- @al8 made their first contribution in #363
- @raphaelvrosa made their first contribution in #444
- @andybavier made their first contribution in #457
- @Tweoss made their first contribution in #497
- @breathbath made their first contribution in #501
- @frouzbeh made their first contribution in #563
- @prateeksarda made their first contribution in #564
- @RandyLevensalor made their first contribution in #666
- @badhrinathpa made their first contribution in #679
- @yi-tseng-intel made their first contribution in #694
Full Changelog: