- Spring Boot Backend: Robust backend built with Spring Boot, providing RESTful APIs for user and account management.
- React Frontend: A dynamic and responsive frontend application built using React, styled with Bootstrap for a modern UI.
- PostgreSQL & H2 Databases: Utilizes PostgreSQL for production and H2 in-memory database for testing, ensuring reliable data management.
- Dockerized Setup: Seamlessly deployable via Docker containers, simplifying environment setup and deployment.
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS):
- Configured CORS to allow the frontend and backend to communicate securely across different origins.
- Specific CORS Configuration:
- Controllers:
allows requests from the specified frontend domain.
- Global CORS Configuration:
- The
class globally configures CORS settings to allow all origins and methods, facilitating development and testing. - Example CORS Configuration:
@Configuration public class CorsConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) { registry.addMapping("/**") .allowedOrigins("*") .allowedMethods("*"); } }
- The
- Controllers:
- Customizable CORS settings to restrict or allow access based on the deployment environment.
- 3rd party API's can be specified at .allowedOrigins("*") method.
- Enables smooth interaction between the frontend served on one domain and the backend on another.
- Integration Testing: Comprehensive integration tests using JUnit and Spring's testing framework to ensure API reliability and correctness.
- User Management:
- Account Management:
- Unit and Integration Testing:
- Uses H2 in-memory database for fast, isolated tests.
- Tests cover all major CRUD operations and ensure data integrity.
- Integration tests utilize MockMvc for simulating HTTP requests and validating responses.
- Each test method resets the application context to ensure independence between tests.
- Continuous Integration: Integration with CI/CD pipelines (e.g., GitHub Actions) for automated testing and deployment.
- Deployment on DigitalOcean:
There are two branches at the repository if you will work your on local machine choose localhost branch to clone.On
git checkout -b localhost
Otherwise clone the main branch and configure the
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/project-atm.git
- Run the application using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up --build
- Run integration tests:
./mvn test
- Start frontend:
- Click here to see detailed frontend ReactJS configuration. For detailed instructions on setting up and running the application, please refer to the documentation.