Edalize 0.5.4
- New flows: efinity
- New tools: efinity, sandpipersaas
- cocotb support for simulation flow
- New backends for legacy Tool API design_compiler, genus
- libero: Support projects without constraints or source files
- ise: Add --pgm switch
- radiant: Support SystemVerilog
- quartus: Add --pgm switch
- SymbiFlow: Support SystemVerilog
- verilator: Support additional gen-xml, gen-dpi-hdr, gen-preprocess modes
- vivado: Add --pgm switch
- vunit: Support file dependencies
- Fix EDAM documentation for flows and tools
(Note: List includes all changes since Edalize 0.5.1 since versions 0.5.2 and 0.5.3 was found to have issues and were withdrawn)