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re-graph is a graphql client for Clojure and ClojureScript with bindings for re-frame applications.

Upgrade notice

🔥 Version 0.2.0 was recently released with breaking API changes. Please read the Upgrade guide for more information.


This library behaves like the popular Apollo client for graphql and as such is compatible with lacinia-pedestal.

Features include:

  • Subscriptions, queries and mutations
  • Supports websocket and HTTP transports
  • Works with Apollo-compatible servers like lacinia-pedestal
  • Queues websocket messages until ready
  • Websocket reconnects on disconnect
  • Simultaneous connection to multiple GraphQL services
  • Handles reauthentication without disruption



Add re-graph to your project's dependencies:

Clojars Project

This will also pull in re-graph.hato, a library for using re-graph on the JVM based on hato which requires JDK11. To use earlier JDKs, exclude re-graph.hato and include re-graph.clj-http-gniazdo.

If you are only targeting Javascript you do not need either of these libraries.

Clojars Project Clojars Project

;; For JDK 11+
[re-graph "x.y.z"]

;; For JDK 10-
[re-graph "x.y.z" :exclusions [re-graph.hato]]
[re-graph.clj-http-gniazdo "x.y.z"]

;; For Javascript only
[re-graph "x.y.z" :exclusions [re-graph.hato]]

Vanilla Clojure/Script

Call the init function to bootstrap it and then use subscribe, unsubscribe, query and mutate functions:

(require '[re-graph.core :as re-graph])

;; initialise re-graph, possibly including configuration options (see below)
(re-graph/init {})

(defn on-thing [{:keys [data errors] :as response}]
  ;; do things with data

;; start a subscription, with responses sent to the callback-fn provided
(re-graph/subscribe {:id        :my-subscription-id  ;; this id should uniquely identify this subscription
                     :query     "{ things { id } }"  ;; your graphql query
                     :variables {:some "variable"}   ;; arguments map
                     :callback  on-thing})           ;; callback-fn when messages are recieved

;; stop the subscription
(re-graph/unsubscribe {:id :my-subscription-id})

;; perform a query, with the response sent to the callback event provided
(re-graph/query {:query     "{ things { id } }" ;; your graphql query
                 :variables {:some "variable"}  ;; arguments map
                 :callback  on-thing})          ;; callback event when response is recieved

;; shut re-graph down when finished
(re-graph/destroy {})

re-frame users

Dispatch the init event to bootstrap it and then use the :subscribe, :unsubscribe, :query and :mutate events:

(require '[re-graph.core :as re-graph]
         '[re-frame.core :as re-frame])

;; initialise re-graph, possibly including configuration options (see below)
(re-frame/dispatch [::re-graph/init {}])

  (fn [db {:keys [response]}]
    (let [{:keys [data errors]} response]
      ;; do things with data e.g. write it into the re-frame database

;; start a subscription, with responses sent to the callback event provided
(re-frame/dispatch [::re-graph/subscribe
                    {:id        :my-subscription-id  ;; this id should uniquely identify this subscription
                     :query     "{ things { id } }"  ;; your graphql query
                     :variables {:some "variable"}   ;; arguments map
                     :callback  [::on-thing]}])      ;; callback event when messages are recieved

;; stop the subscription
(re-frame/dispatch [::re-graph/unsubscribe {:id :my-subscription-id}])

;; perform a query, with the response sent to the callback event provided
(re-frame/dispatch [::re-graph/query
                    {:id        :my-query-id         ;; unique id for this query (optional, used for deduplication)
                     :query     "{ things { id } }"  ;; your graphql query
                     :variables {:some "variable"}   ;; arguments map
                     :callback  [::on-thing]}])      ;; callback event when response is recieved

;; shut re-graph down when finished
(re-frame/dispatch [::re-graph/destroy {}])


Options can be passed to the init event, with the following possibilities:

   {:ws {:url                     "wss://" ;; override the websocket url (defaults to /graphql-ws, nil to disable)
         :sub-protocol            "graphql-ws"              ;; override the websocket sub-protocol (defaults to "graphql-ws")
         :reconnect-timeout       5000                      ;; attempt reconnect n milliseconds after disconnect (defaults to 5000, nil to disable)
         :resume-subscriptions?   true                      ;; start existing subscriptions again when websocket is reconnected after a disconnect (defaults to true)
         :connection-init-payload {}                        ;; the payload to send in the connection_init message, sent when a websocket connection is made (defaults to {})
         :impl                    {}                        ;; implementation-specific options (see hato for options, defaults to {}, may be a literal or a function that returns the options)
         :supported-operations    #{:subscribe              ;; declare the operations supported via websocket, defaults to all three
                                    :query                  ;;   if queries/mutations must be done via http set this to #{:subscribe} only

    :http {:url    ""   ;; override the http url (defaults to /graphql)
           :impl   {}                        ;; implementation-specific options (see clj-http or hato for options, defaults to {}, may be a literal or a function that returns the options)
           :supported-operations #{:query    ;; declare the operations supported via http, defaults to :query and :mutate

Either :ws or :http can be set to nil to disable the WebSocket or HTTP protocols.

Multiple instances

re-graph now supports multiple instances, allowing you to connect to multiple GraphQL services at the same time. All function/event signatures now take an optional instance-name as the first argument to let you address them separately:

(require '[re-graph.core :as re-graph])

;; initialise re-graph for service A
(re-graph/init {:instance-id :service-a
                :ws {:url "wss://}})

;; initialise re-graph for service B
(re-graph/init {:instance-id :service-b
                :ws {:url "wss://}})

(defn on-a-thing [{:keys [data errors] :as payload}]
  ;; do things with data from service A

;; subscribe to service A, events will be sent to the on-a-thing callback
(re-graph/subscribe {:instance-id :service-a    ;; the instance-name you want to talk to
                     :id :my-subscription-id    ;; this id should uniquely identify this subscription for this service
                     :query "{ things { a } }"
                     :callback on-a-thing})

(defn on-b-thing [{:keys [data errors] :as payload}]
  ;; do things with data from service B

;; subscribe to service B, events will be sent to the on-b-thing callback
(re-graph/subscribe {:instance-id :service-b    ;; the instance-name you want to talk to
                     :id :my-subscription-id
                     :query "{ things { a } }"
                     :callback on-b-thing})

;; stop the subscriptions
(re-graph/unsubscribe {:instance-id :service-a
                       :id :my-subscription-id})
(re-graph/unsubscribe {:instance-id :service-b
                       :id :my-subscription-id})


There are several methods of authenticating with the server, with various trade-offs. Most complications relate to the websocket connection from the browser, as the usual method of providing an Authorization header is not (currently) possible.


The most conventional way to authenticate is to use HTTP headers on requests to the server and include an authentication token:

    {:ws {:impl {:headers {:Authorization "my-auth-token"}}}
     :http {:impl {:headers {:Authorization "my-auth-token"}}}}])

This will work for the following cases:

  • JVM for websockets and http (using hato)
  • Browser for http only

Note that it will not work for websocket connections from the browser, for which you will have to choose one of the other methods described below.

Connection init payload

For websocket connections, the de-facto Apollo spec defines a connection_init message which is sent after the websocket connection has been established, but before any GraphQL traffic. This can be used to contain an authentication token which can be associated with the connection, or the connection can be terminated.

    {:ws {:connection-init-payload {:token "my-auth-token"}}}])

Note that for Hasura, and possibly other Apollo server backed instances, your payload may need to look like {:headers {:authorization (str "Bearer " jwt)}}


When using re-graph within a browser, site cookies are shared between HTTP and WebSocket connection automatically. There's nothing special that needs to be done.

When using re-graph with Clojure, however, some configuration is necessary to ensure that the same cookie store is used for both HTTP and WebSocket connections.

Before initialising re-graph, create a common HTTP client.

(ns user
    [hato.client :as hc]
    [re-graph.core :as re-graph]))

(def http-client (hc/build-http-client {:cookie-policy :all}))

See the hato documentation for all the supported configuration options.

When initialising re-graph, configure both the HTTP and WebSocket connections with this client:

(re-graph/init {:http {:impl {:http-client http-client}}
                :ws   {:impl {:http-client http-client}}})

In the call, you can provide any supported re-graph or hato options. Be careful though; hato convenience options for the HTTP client will be ignored when using the :http-client option.

If you are using lacinia, you probably need to use the :init-context option of the listener-fn-factory to be able to extract the cookie from the underlying webserver request.

Token in query param

You can put a token in the http and websocket urls and use it to authenticate when handling the request.

    {:http {:url ""}
     :ws {:url "wss://"}}])

Note that query params may be included in the log files of the server.

Basic auth

You can put basic auth in the http and websocket urls and use it to authenticate when handling the request.

    {:http {:url "https://my-user:[email protected]/graphql"}
     :ws {:url "wss://my-user:[email protected]/graphql-ws"}}])

Sub-protocol hack

As mentioned in it is contentious but possible to smuggle authentication in the websocket sub-protocol, which normally describes the kind of traffic expected over the websocket (the default in re-graph is graphql-ws).

    {:ws {:sub-protocol "graphql-ws;my-auth-token"}}])


When initialising re-graph you may have included authorisation tokens e.g.

(re-frame/dispatch [::re-graph/init {:http {:url ""
                                            :impl {:headers {"Authorization" 123}}}
                                     :ws {:connection-init-payload {:token 123}}}])

If those tokens expire you can refresh them using re-init as follows which allows you to change any parameter provided to re-graph:

(re-frame/dispatch [::re-graph/re-init {:http {:impl {:headers {"Authorization" 456}}}
                                        :ws {:connection-init-payload {:token 456}}}])

The connection-init-payload will be sent again and all future remote calls will contain the updated parameters.



CLJS tests are available at http://localhost:9500/figwheel-extra-main/auto-testing You will need to run (re-graph.integration-server/start!) for the integration tests to pass.



Copyright © 2017 oliyh

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.