libcomcat is a project designed to provide a Python equivalent to the ANSS ComCat search API. This includes a Python library that provides various classes and functions wrapping around the ComCat API, and a number of command line programs that use those:
Download ComCat product contents (shakemap grids, origin quakeml, etc.)getcsv
Generate csv or Excel files with basic earthquake information.getphases
Generate csv or Excel files with phase information.findid
Find the ID of an event closest to input time/lat/lon parameters.getmags
Download all available magnitudes from all sources.
We recommend using either the Anaconda ( or Miniconda ( Python distributions. These both use the conda packaging tool, which makes installation of dependencies much simpler. To install either of those packages, see the instructions on the web pages for each.
libcomcat has been tested most often with Python 3.5, but should work with other Python 3.x versions. It will not work with Python 2.7! Fortunately, it is easy to install a 3.X version of Python within Anaconda:
conda create -n comcat --channel conda-forge python=3.5
Then, in your Python 3.X environment do the following:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install libcomcat
To uninstall:
conda remove libcomcat
To update:
conda update libcomcat
####For Windows Users
To run (for example) the command line program getcsv, which is described in the documentation, do the following:
where getcsv
This will print out the full path to the getcsv program in your root environment, something like "C:\Users\username\AppData\Anaconda3\getcsv". Copy this path using Ctrl-C and paste it into another command:
python C:\Users\username\AppData\Anaconda3\getcsv --help
to see the help for the getcsv command. The author is not a Windows
user, and recognizes that this seems like an unwieldy way to run a
script. Anyone who regularly does Python scripting in a Windows
environment who has advice to make this usage more like Linux or Mac
(i.e., getcsv --help
), please submit an issue in this repository.
API and command line documentation can be found here:
Sample API usage can be found in the notebook:
If you work in Python, you can use the read_phases() function that comes with libcomcat.
from libcomcat.utils import read_phases
event,phases = read_phases('us2000b3dm_phases.csv')
This function reads either CSV or Excel.
If you work in Matlab, we have provided a function, at the top level of this repository, to read the CSV files. To use it in your Matlab environment, put the read_phases.m file in your Matlab path. Below is the help text for the function.
read_phases Read event and phase data from CSV files created by libcomcat getphases program.
libcomcat is a set of tools available on GitHub for downloading various types of data from the USGS earthquake Comprehensive Catalog, or ComCat. getphases is one of those tools, and is documented here:
(at command line) getphases . -i us2000b3dm --format=csv [event,phases] = read_phases('./us2000b3dm_phases.csv') returns an event structure, which consists of the following fields:
- id: USGS authoritative ComCat ID.
- time: Matlab datenum representing origin time.
- location: String describing location of the earthquake.
- latitude: Origin latitude.
- longitude: Origin longitude.
- depth: Origin depth.
- magnitude: Event magnitude.
- magtype: Magnitude type.
- url: ComCat URL where earthquake information can be found.
- Any remaining fields will contain moment tensor data, if available. These fields will be preceded by moment tensor source and method. For example, a moment tensor created by the NEIC using the W-phase algorithm will have the following fields:
- us_Mww_mrr: Mrr moment tensor component.
- us_Mww_mtt: Mtt moment tensor component.
- us_Mww_mpp: Mpp moment tensor component.
- us_Mww_mrt: Mrt moment tensor component.
- us_Mww_mrp: Mrp moment tensor component.
- us_Mww_mtp: Mtp moment tensor component.
- us_Mww_np1_strike: Strike of the first nodal plane.
- us_Mww_np1_dip: Dip of the first nodal plane.
- us_Mww_np1_rake: Rake of the first nodal plane.
- us_Mww_np2_strike: Strike of the second nodal plane.
- us_Mww_np2_dip: Dip of the second nodal plane.
- us_Mww_np2_rake: Rake of the second nodal plane.
and a Matlab table object, where rows consist of phase data and columns are the following:
- Channel Network.Station.Channel.Location (NSCL) style station description. ( '-' indicates missing information)
- Distance Distance (kilometers) from epicenter to station.
- Azimuth Azimuth (degrees) from epicenter to station.
- Phase Name of the phase (Pn,Pg, etc.)
- ArrivalTime Pick arrival time (UTC).
- Status 'manual' or 'automatic'.
- Residual Arrival time residual.
- Weight Arrival weight.