crypto-invoicer is a personal web portal for invoicing clients with Bitcoin.
It allows you to:
- Generate email invoices for your clients
- Ask the client to pay you using USD, BTC, or their local currency
- Transfers the money to you in Bitcoin
- View, sort, and list invoices
It's a simple application meant to showcase the power of Node.js, Coinbase, and Okta.
This application is built with Express.js, plain old HTML and Bootstrap for CSS. I'm also using a Bootstrap theme called Sketchy which makes things look like a mockup. I really love this theme.
The invoicing API is powered by Coinbase, and uses the officially supported coinbase-node developer library.
I'm also using:
- sorttable, a simple JavaScript library that lets you make your tables sortable. This is what powers the sortable tables for listing client invoices.
- asyncjs, a popular JavaScript library for managing asynchronous flow.
- pug.js, a popular HTML templating language.
- oidc-middleware, a popular OpenID Connect authentication middleware created by Okta.