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@ghostinsoba ghostinsoba released this 17 Aug 10:36
· 1 commit to main since this release



  1. initial repository was cloned with currently running version commit:
git clone --depth=1 --branch v9.5.2
  1. switched to go mod vendor to avoid long-running builds

  2. following files and directories were added:

  • op.Dockerfile (modified version of original Dockerfile to build both custom grafana backend/frontend)
  • and /op-develop (files required to launch developer environment)
  1. files that were modified:
  • removed /vendor from .gitignore (to use it in Dockerfile)
  • removed /.github to disable github actions and dependencies check
  • added /vendor to .gitattributes (hide diffs in gitlab mrs)


Added op-pkg package to both codebase and op.Dockerfile (require to be copied) with:

  • service and store (to mimic internal logic with custom implementations)
  • sdk (http sdk with client libraries and middlewares)
  • opstorage (opstorage client library made with sdk)

Grafana internal codebase changes


  • /pkg/api/http_server.go (added authentication middlewares from op-pkg/sdk)
  • /pkg/api/accesscontrol.go (added required rights for all dashboards and folders for Viewer and Editor by default)
  • /pkg/server/wire.go (replaced original services requirements and stores with modified ones from op-pkg)

Services and service stores:

  • /pkg/services/datasources/service/datasource.go (initial datasource Store implementation replacement)
  • /pkg/services/dashboards/database/database.go (initial dashboard Store implementation replacement)
  • /pkg/services/folder/folderImpl/dashboard_folder_store.go (initial dashboard Store implementation replacement)
  • /pkg/services/secrets/manager.go (changes to use modified version of encryption service from op-pkg only)


  • /pkg/api/frontendsettings.go (override appURL and appSubURL to use dynamic url sub-paths like localhost:3000/sub1/sub2.../dashboards)
  • /pkg/api/index.go (override appURL and appSubURL to use dynamic url sub-paths like localhost:3000/sub1/sub2.../dashboards
  • packages/grafana-data/src/themes/palette.ts (add new color lightGray)
  • packages/grafana-data/src/themes/createColors.ts (override background.canvas color with lightGray)
  • public/app/core/components/AppChrome/AppChrome.tsx (override searchBarHidden with true, replace NavToolbar with actions, add css for actions, disable NavToolbar and MegaMenu)
  • public/app/core/components/PageNew/SectionNav.tsx (disable SectionNavToggle)
  • public/app/features/dashboard/components/DashNav/DashNav.tsx (override canStar, canShare and isStarred with false)
  • public/app/core/components/PageNew/Page.tsx (disable padding in css)

for more details see: