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Issues: okfn-brasil/censo-querido-diario

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Endereço do censo retorna erro 504
#93 opened Aug 1, 2023 by adslibre
Análise dos domínios // Domain analysis analysis Issues related to the analysis of official gazettes portals
#76 opened Mar 19, 2021 by cecivieira
Avaliar acessibilidade dos portais // Assess portals' acessibility indicators analysis Issues related to the analysis of official gazettes portals help wanted Extra attention is needed report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Análise de SEO dos portais // Portals SEO analysis analysis Issues related to the analysis of official gazettes portals help wanted Extra attention is needed report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Análise da disponibilidade por perfil de município e grandes regiões // Analysis of availability by profile of municipality and large regions analysis Issues related to the analysis of official gazettes portals help wanted Extra attention is needed report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
#58 opened Jan 22, 2021 by ArianeCamilo
Análise sobre os serviços de publicação oficial // Analysis of official publication services analysis Issues related to the analysis of official gazettes portals help wanted Extra attention is needed report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Análise dos formatos utilizados para publicação dos diários // Analysis of the formats used for publication of the gazettes analysis Issues related to the analysis of official gazettes portals help wanted Extra attention is needed report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Escrever sobre a política de correção // Write about correction policy methodology Issues related to the decision and/or communication of Census methodological aspects report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Escrever sobre a fase de análise // Write about the analysis phase methodology Issues related to the decision and/or communication of Census methodological aspects report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Escrever sobre a fase de validação // methodology Issues related to the decision and/or communication of Census methodological aspects report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Escrever sobre a fase de coleta de informações // Write about the information gathering phase methodology Issues related to the decision and/or communication of Census methodological aspects report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Escrever sobre divulgação e engajamento // Write about release and engagement methodology Issues related to the decision and/or communication of Census methodological aspects report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Escrever sobre as definições de metodologia // Write about methodology definitions methodology Issues related to the decision and/or communication of Census methodological aspects report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Escrever sobre os recortes temporal, geográfico e administrativo // Write about the temporal, geographic and administrative sampling methodology Issues related to the decision and/or communication of Census methodological aspects report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
Medir o tempo em serviço dos portais // Measure portals' uptime analysis Issues related to the analysis of official gazettes portals report Issues related to the production of reports on the Census collected data
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