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Classify samples as being either SARS-CoV-2 positive or negative, identify the strain of virus, and produce statistics about the mapping.

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Classify samples as being either SARS-CoV-2 positive or negative, identify the strain of virus, and produce statistics about the mapping.


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java -jar cromwell.jar run sarsCoV2Analysis.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
fastq1 File Read 1 fastq file, gzipped. Can be either targeted or whole transcriptome
fastq2 File Read 2 fastq file, gzipped. Can be either targeted or whole transcriptome.
samplePrefix String Prefix for output files

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
primerBed File? None Bed file used to trim the primers off of the bam sequences.
panelBed File? None
readCount Int? None Number of reads for fastq files.

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
bbMap.modules String "bbmap/38.75"
bbMap.reference String "$BBMAP_ROOT/share/bbmap/resources/adapters.fa"
bbMap.trimq Int 25
bbMap.mem Int 8
bbMap.timeout Int 72
bowtie2HumanDepletion.modules String "bowtie2/ samtools/1.9 hg38-bowtie-index/"
bowtie2HumanDepletion.reference String "$HG38_BOWTIE_INDEX_ROOT/hg38_random_index"
bowtie2HumanDepletion.mem Int 12
bowtie2HumanDepletion.timeout Int 72
bowtie2HumanDepletion.threads Int 8
kraken2.modules String "kraken2/2.0.8 kraken2-database/1"
kraken2.kraken2DB String "$KRAKEN2_DATABASE_ROOT/"
kraken2.mem Int 8
kraken2.timeout Int 72
bowtie2Sensitive.modules String "bowtie2/ sars-covid-2-polymasked-bowtie-index/ samtools/1.9"
bowtie2Sensitive.sarsCovidIndex String "$SARS_COVID_2_POLYMASKED_BOWTIE_INDEX_ROOT/MN908947.3.mask"
bowtie2Sensitive.mem Int 8
bowtie2Sensitive.timeout Int 72
bowtie2Sensitive.threads Int 4
articTrimming.allowNoprimer Boolean? None Allow reads that don't have primer sequence? Ligation prep = false, nextera = true.
articTrimming.bam File None Host depleted and aligned to mn908947 bam file.
articTrimming.modules String "ivar/1.0 bedtools" Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution.
articTrimming.mem Int 8 Memory (in GB) to allocate to the job.
articTrimming.timeout Int 72 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
variantCalling.modules String "bcftools/1.9 samtools/1.9 vcftools/0.1.16 seqtk/1.3 sars-covid-2-polymasked/mn908947.3"
variantCalling.sarsCovidRef String "$SARS_COVID_2_POLYMASKED_ROOT/MN908947.3.mask.fasta"
variantCalling.mem Int 8
variantCalling.timeout Int 72
qcStats.modules String "bedtools samtools/1.9"
qcStats.mem Int 8
qcStats.timeout Int 72
blast2ReferenceSequence.modules String "blast sars-covid-2-polymasked/mn908947.3"
blast2ReferenceSequence.reference String "$SARS_COVID_2_POLYMASKED_ROOT/MN908947.3.mask.fasta"
blast2ReferenceSequence.mem Int 8
blast2ReferenceSequence.timeout Int 72
spadesGenomicAssembly.modules String "spades/3.14.0"
spadesGenomicAssembly.mem Int 8
spadesGenomicAssembly.timeout Int 72
spadesGenomicAssembly.minReads Int 100


Output Type Description
hostRemovedR1Fastq File None
hostRemovedR2Fastq File None
hostMappedBam File None
hostMappedBai File None
taxonomicClassification File None
bam File None
bai File None
primertrimSortedBam File? None
primertrimSortedBai File? None
cvgHist File? None
vcf File None
consensusFasta File None
variantOnlyVcf File None
bl2seqReport File None
genomecvgHist File None
genomecvgPerBase File None
hostMappedAlignmentStats File None
hostDepletedAlignmentStats File None
spades File None

Niassa + Cromwell

This WDL workflow is wrapped in a Niassa workflow ( so that it can used with the Niassa metadata tracking system (

  • Building
mvn clean install
  • Testing
mvn clean verify \
-Djava_opts="-Xmx1g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication" \
-DrunTestThreads=2 \
-DskipITs=false \
-DskipRunITs=false \
-DworkingDirectory=/path/to/tmp/ \
-DschedulingHost=niassa_oozie_host \
-DwebserviceUrl=http://niassa-url:8080 \
-DwebserviceUser=niassa_user \
-DwebservicePassword=niassa_user_password \


For support, please file an issue on the Github project or send an email to [email protected] .

Generated with wdl_doc_gen (


Classify samples as being either SARS-CoV-2 positive or negative, identify the strain of virus, and produce statistics about the mapping.







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