Stackflow is a payment channel network built on Stacks that enables off-chain, non-custodial, high-speed payments between users and is designed to be simple, secure, and efficient. It supports payments in STX or SIP-010 fungible tokens.
The Stackflow trait is published by stackflow.btc
on mainnet at
and on testnet at
The official Stackflow contract for STX is published by
on mainnet at
and on testnet at
. Contracts for
other tokens should copy this contract exactly to ensure that all Stackflow
frontends will support it.
A Stacks address can open a channel with any other Stacks address with a contract call to the Stackflow contract. This call sends tokens to the contract for escrow. The tokens are locked in the contract and can only be withdrawn by the channel participants. The channel participants can then send payments to each other off-chain by signing SIP-018 structured data indicating the agreed upon balances of each participant. These signed messages can be exchanged off-chain and only need to be submitted on-chain when closing the channel, depositing additional funds to, or withdrawing funds from the channel. The messages include a nonce to track their ordering.
A channel can be closed cooperatively at any time, by both parties agreeing on the final balances and signing off on the closure. If either party becomes uncooperative or unresponsive, the channel can also be forecefully closed by the other party. One party can make a contract call to initiate a waiting period to cancel the channel, and refund the latest balances recorded in the contract, or they can submit signatures verifying an agreed upon balance. In either case, the other party has 144 Bitcoin blocks (~1 day) to rebut the submitted balances by submitting a newer set of signed messages to the contract. If the closure is successfully disputed with valid signatures, those balances are immediately paid out and the channel is closed. If the deadline is reached with no dispute, then one final contract call triggers the contract to send the funds back to the addresses.
Channels can be chained together to enable payments between users who do not have a direct channel open between them. This is done by routing the payment through intermediaries who have channels open with both the sender and receiver. Off-chain, tools can find the most efficient path to route the payment. Intermediary nodes can charge a fee for routing payments. In the case of chained channels, the signed messages passed around include a requirement for a secret to unlock the funds. This ensures that if any hop in the chain fails to send the tokens as promised, the whole transaction can be reverted, allowing the sender and receiver to be sure that the payment goes through completely or they get their tokens back, even with untrusted intermediaries.
- Alice opens a channel with Bob.
- Bob opens a channel with Charlie.
- Alice wants to send 10 STX to Charlie.
- Alice sends a signed message to Bob indicating that she wants to send 10 STX to Charlie and is willing to pay Bob 0.1 STX for routing the payment. Alice's signature transferring 10.1 STX to Bob is invalid unless Bob can provide the secret, for which a hash was included in the structured data signed by Alice.
- Bob sends a signed message to Charlie indicating that he wants to send him 10 STX. Charlie is able to decrypt the secret and sends it back to Bob and the chain is complete.
In the above scenario, Bob cannot obtain the secret unless he sends the payment to Charlie, so he is unable to keep the payment from Alice without sending the payment to Charlie. Details of how this works are discussed below.
To send tokens between two parties with an active channel open in the contract, they simply send signatures back and forth off-chain. The signatures are signing over structured data with the details of the channel:
;; The token for which the channel is open
token: (optional principal),
;; The first principal, ordered by the principals' consensus serialization
principal-1: principal,
;; The second principal, ordered by the principals' consensus serialization
principal-2: principal,
;; The balance of principal-1
balance-1: uint,
;; The balance of principal-2
balance-2: uint,
;; A monotonically increasing identifier for this action
nonce: uint,
;; The type of action (u0 = close, u1 = transfer, u2 = deposit, u3 = withdraw)
action: uint,
;; The principal initiating the action, `none` for close
actor: (optional principal),
;; An optional sha256 hash of a secret, used for multi-hop transfers
hashed-secret: (optional (buff 32))
In this direct transfer scenario, the hashed-secret
is not needed, and can be
set to none
When A wants to send to B, A builds this data structure with the adjusted balances and the appropriate nonce, signs over it, and then sends these in a message to B. B validates the signature, and verifies that the new balances match an incoming transfer. If everything is correct, then B responds to A with a signature of its own. Both parties (or a representative thereof) should record these new signatures and balances. Future transactions should build from these balances, and the signatures may be needed to dispute if something goes wrong later.
When principal A wants to send tokens to principal D using StackFlow, first, a path from A to D is identified using existing open channels with sufficient balances, for example using Dijkstra's algorithm. If a path is not possible, then a new channel must be opened. Once a path is defined, A builds the transfer message as described above, with the addition of a secret.
The next part of the transfer message describes what the receiver must do in
order to get the channel balance confirmed. For the final hop in the chain, the
target receiver of the payment will have no next hop, since at that point, the
payment is complete. For all other hops in the chain, the receiver of the
message uses the next hop to determine how to build its transfer message,
defining which principal to send to, receiver
, how much to send, amount
, how
much should be leftover to keep for itself as a fee, fee
, an encrypted secret,
type Hop = {
receiver: string;
amount: bigint;
fee: bigint;
secret: Uint8Array;
nextHop: Number;
The initial sender constructs an array of 8 of these Hop
objects, encrypting
each with the public key of the intended target. If less than 8 hops are needed,
then random data is filled into the remaining slots. The sender then sends this
array, along with its signature to the first hop in the chain, along with the
index for that hop. That first hop decrypts the value at the specified hop and
uses the information within to send a signature and the array to the next hop,
along with the index for that next hop.
For the final hop in the chain, D in our example, the receiver
is set to
D itself and the amount is set to 0
. This is the signal to D that it
is the final destination for this payment, so it can reply back to the previous
hop with the decrypted secret. Each hop validates, then passes this decrypted
secret back to its predecessor, eventually reaching the source and validating
the completed payment.
There are two ways to close a channel, cooperatively or forcefully. In the
normal scenario, both parties agree to close the channel and authorize the
closure by signing a message agreeing upon the final balances. One party calls
, passing in these balances and signatures, and then the contract
pays out both parties and the channel is closed.
In the unfortunate scenario where one party becomes uncooperative or unresponsive, the other party needs a way to retrieve their funds from the channel unilaterally. This user has two options:
allows the user to close the channel and refund the initial balances to both parties. This option requires no signatures, but it does require a waiting period, allowing the other party to dispute the closure by submitting signatures validating a transfer on this channel.force-close
allows the user to close the channel and return the balances recorded in the latest transfer on this channel. Arguments to this function include signatures from the latest transfer, along with the agreed upon balances at that transfer. This function also requires a waiting period, allowing the other party to dispute the closure by submitting a later pair of signatures, indicating a more recent balance agreement (one with a higher nonce).
During the waiting period for both of these closures, the other party may call
, passing in balances and signatures from the latest transfer.
If the signatures are confirmed, and the nonce is higher in the case of a
, then the channel is immediately closed, transferring with the
balances specified to both parties.
If the closure is not disputed by the time the waiting period is over, the user
may call finalize
to complete the closure and transfer the appropriate
balances to both parties.
As discussed in the details, users of Stackflow should run a server to keep track of balances and signatures for its open channels, and to receive messages from its counterparts in those channels. A reference implementation of this server is provided in This server consists of the backend for managing these details, as well as a frontend to provide a simple interface for opening channels and interacting with existing channels.