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Limit the rate at which a command can fire


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debounce is a simple utility to limit the rate at which a command can fire.

The command format is:

debounce <integer> <unit> <command>

Available units are:

  • seconds (s)
  • minutes (m)
  • hours (h)
  • days (d)

The following are equivalent:

debounce 1 s some-command
debounce 1 second some-command
debounce 1 seconds some-command
debounce 1 m some-command
debounce 1 minute some-command
debounce 1 minutes some-command
debounce 1 h some-command
debounce 1 hour some-command
debounce 1 hours some-command
debounce 1 d some-command
debounce 1 day some-command
debounce 1 days some-command

Note that day is shorthand for 24 hours. Daylight Saving Time is not taken into account.


Choose from the following options to install debounce.

Go Install

go install

or for a specific version:

go install[email protected]

Using Ubi

You can use ubi to install debounce.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eux -o pipefail

# Choose a directory in your $PATH

if [ ! "$(command -v ubi)" ]; then
    curl --silent --location \ |
        TARGET=$dir sh

ubi --project oalders/debounce --in "$dir"

Download a Release

You can download the latest release directly from here.


A command without arguments

This runs the command without any parameters but prevents repeated execution within the set time window.

$ debounce 2 seconds date
Mon Aug  5 23:09:09 EDT 2024
$ debounce 2 seconds date
πŸš₯ will not run date more than once every 2 seconds

A command with arguments

This example uses ubi to install is into the current directory. The command won't be executed more than once every 8 hours.

$ debounce 8 hours ubi --verbose --project oalders/is --in .
[ubi::installer][INFO] Installed binary into ./is
$ debounce 8 hours ubi --verbose --project oalders/is --in .
πŸš₯ will not run "ubi --verbose --project oalders/is --in ." more than once every 8 hours

Using Shell Variables

Remember to single quote variables which shouldn't be expanded until the command is run.

debounce 10 s zsh -c 'echo $PWD'

More Complex Commands

You can use && and || in your commands. You'll want to quote your command to ensure that the entire command is passed to debounce.

debounce 2 s bash -c 'sleep 2 && date'

Available Flags

It's important to add debounce flags before other command arguments to avoid confusion between debounce flags and flags meant for your command.

Good: βœ…

debounce --debug 90 s curl

Bad: πŸ’₯

$ debounce 90 s curl --debug
πŸš€ Running command: curl --debug
curl: option --debug: is unknown

You could be explicit about this by using -- as a visual indicator that flag parsing has ended.

debounce --debug 90 s -- curl


Specify an alternate cache directory to use. The directory must already exist.

debounce --cache-dir /tmp 30 s date


The --local flag modifies the behavior of debounce by including the full path to the current working directory in the cache key. This ensures that the cache is specific to the directory from which the command is run.

By default, debounce works globally. It generates a cache key based on the command and its arguments. This means that if you run the same command from different directories, debounce will treat them as the same command and use the same cache file. This can be useful if you want to limit the execution of a command globally, regardless of the directory.

With the --local flag, debounce includes the full path to the current working directory in the cache key. This means that the cache is specific to the directory from which the command is run. If you run the same command from different directories, debounce will treat them as different commands and use separate cache files. This is useful if you want to limit the execution of a command on a per-directory basis.

Example Usage

# Run a command without the --local flag
debounce 10 s echo "Hello, World!"
# Run the same command again within 10 seconds
debounce 10 s echo "Hello, World!"
# Output: πŸš₯ will not run "echo Hello, World!" more than once every 10 seconds

# Run a command with the --local flag
debounce --local 10 s echo "Hello, Local World!"
# Run the same command again within 10 seconds from the same directory
debounce --local 10 s echo "Hello, Local World!"
# Output: πŸš₯ will not run "echo Hello, Local World!" more than once every 10 seconds

# Run the same command from a different directory
cd /another/directory
debounce --local 10 s echo "Hello, Local World!"
# Output: Hello, Local World!


Print debounce status information for a command.

debounce --status 30 s date
πŸ“ cache location: /Users/olaf/.cache/debounce/0e87632cd46bd4907c516317eb6d81fe0f921a23c7643018f21292894b470681
🚧 cache last modified: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 08:28:20 EDT
⏲️ debounce interval: 00:00:30
πŸ•°οΈ cache age: 00:00:12
⏳ time remaining: 00:00:17

Resetting the Cache

Since the cache is just a file, you can rm the cache location file whenever you'd like to start fresh.

rm /Users/olaf/.cache/debounce/0e87632cd46bd4907c516317eb6d81fe0f921a23c7643018f21292894b470681


Prints current version.

debounce --version


Displays usage instructions.

debounce --help
Usage: debounce <quantity> <unit> <command> ... [flags]

limit the rate at which a command can fire

  <quantity>       Quantity of time
  <unit>           s,second,seconds,m,minute,minutes,h,hour,hours,d,day,days
  <command> ...    Command to run

  -h, --help                Show context-sensitive help.
      --debug               Print debugging info to screen
      --version             Print version to screen
      --status              Print cache information for a command without running it
      --local               Localize debounce to current working directory
      --cache-dir=STRING    Override the default cache directory


Under the hood, debounce creates or updates a cache file to track when a command was run successfully. This means that, under the right conditions, it's entirely possible to kick off two long-running tasks in parallel without debounce knowing about it.

Additionally, if a command fails, the cache file will not be created or updated.

I've created this tool in a way that meets my needs. I will consider pull requests for additional functionality to address issues like these. Please get in touch with me first to discuss your feature if you'd like to add something.


Limit the rate at which a command can fire




Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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