install rtx in order to install and manage tooling: (MacOs)
brew install rtx
initialize rtx in current shell.
if using zshell:
eval "$(rtx activate zsh)"
if using bashrc:
eval "$(rtx activate bash)"
(Optional) Add previous eval command to your bash/zshrc file so you do not need to manually initialize rtx in a new terminal session.
install tooling:
rtx install
brew install qemu
(MacOS only) install nerdctl. You first have to start a colima vm with a containerd runtime in order to install nerdctl on a non linux system.
colima start --runtime containerd
colima nerdctl install
colima delete
Run the following command to build the container images and deploy the node and all its dependencies to a local instance of k8s. This will also run helm tests post deployment:
task start-local BUILD=true
The first time you run this command it will take a long time, as the binary running in the node pod is statically compiled using musl. Subsequent runs should be much faster
Once your images are built, you can start the k8s cluster and deploy with:
task start-local
Note: You will need private keys when interacting with anything on Zksync. I have used keys listed in this file. Save one of these private keys in a .env
file in the contract
directory. This will be used to deploy the smart contract and use non token owned functions.
Deploy your smart contract to zksync by running the following commands. First, in a seperate terminal window you must port-forward to the zksync service:
kubectl port-forward svc/zksync 3050:3050
In a seperate terminal session, cd into the contract directory and deploy the contract
cd contract
yarn deploy
Save the contract address as an env var: CONTRACT_ADDRESS
You now have to port-forward to the node instance in a seperate terminal session in order to interact with the api locally:
kubectl port-forward svc/node 8000:8000
Now bootstrap the api by providing the contract address:
curl -X POST localhost:8000/bootstrap/$CONTRACT_ADDRESS
Register Identity to smart contract:
curl -v -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"principal_address": "0x8002cD98Cfb563492A6fB3E7C8243b7B9Ad4cc92", "data": {"meta_data": "info", "data": { "foo": "hi"}}}' http://localhost:3000/register
Now send authentication request to smart contract which will emit an event that our node is listening for. You must update the PRINCIPAL_CREDS
variable and provide the address and private key of the wallet that you registered earlier.
cd contract
yarn authenticate
You should see Authentication Successful!
in the logs of the node pod if all worked correctly:
kubectl logs -l app=node
Alternatively you can run an integration test that will do all of the steps above. You must have a port-forward open for ipfs, zksync http port and zksync ws port:
kubectl port-forward svc/zksync 3050:3050
kubectl port-forward svc/zksync 3051:3051
kubectl port-forward svc/ipfs 5001:5001
task cargo-run
task integration-test
To stop your k8s cluster run the following command:
colima stop
To destroy all local resources, run the following command:
task destroy-local
port forward to k8s service
kubectl port-forward svc/<service name> <local port>:<remote port>
delete helm test pods:
kubectl delete pods -l test=true
port forward to ipfs svc:
kubectl port-forward svc/ipfs 5001:5001
initiate garbage collection:
ipfs repo gc --api=/dns4/localhost/tcp/5001
checked pinned data:
ipfs pin ls --api=/dns4/localhost/tcp/5001
yarn hardhat compile