"WashCrus" will be online shogi match management system.
"WashCrus" was named for "洗足池" which is a pond in Tokyo.
"WashCrus" is written in Ruby.
Public domain
How to set up:
- Clone repo. or unzip WashCrus archive to certain path where is allowed to run CGI script.
- Edit ./config/mail.yaml.sample and save it as ./config/mail.yaml
- Edit ./config/signature.txt.sample and save it as ./config/signature.txt
- Run "bundle install --path vendor/bundle" to get required gems.
- Run "rake gen_token" to generate KEY to encrypt data.
- Run "bundle exec rake add_admin" to add first administrator.
- Run "rake init" to generate db file and change some files/directories's permissions.
- Visit index.rb by your browser.
ruby path:
please adjust ruby path to fit your actual ruby path.
Simple backup:
"rake backup" stores all the data into a tarball in backup directory.
you can use "backup.sh" after adjusting a path in the script and run it periodically, e.g. once a day.
Enable Time control:
"periodic_tasks.sh" controls byo-yomi.
you have to adjust a path in the script and period in minutes.
required "gem"s:
- bundler
- jkf(o-jill/jkf, kif_robust_time)
- rake
- redcarpet
- reek (for test)
- rspec (for test)
- rubocop (for test)
- unindent
Enable pictures on SNS:
SNS such as twitter utilize Open Graph Protocol and shows a picture according to a URL in your tweet. this term is for that picture.
please adjust SVG2PNG in sfenimage.rb according to your converter.
supported SVG -> PNG converters:
- Inkscape 0.92
- Inkscape 1.*
- rsvg-convert
Other dependends:
- Kifu for JS(for replay)