Releases: nwfsc-cb/eDNA-Hake-public
Environmental DNA provides quantitative estimates of Pacific hake abundance and distribution in the open ocean
This repository is in support of the paper, "Environmental DNA provides quantitative estimates of Pacific hake abundance and distribution in the open ocean" by A.O. Shelton, A. Ramón-Laca, A. Wells, J. Clemons, D. Chu, B.E. Feist, R.P. Kelly, S.L. Parker-Stetter, R. Thomas, K.M. Nichols, and L. Park in Proceeding of the Royal Society B (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2613)
Environmental DNA provides quantitative estimates of Pacific hake abundance and distribution in the open ocean
This repository is in support of the paper, "Environmental DNA provides quantitative estimates of Pacific hake abundance and distribution in the open ocean" by A.O. Shelton, A. Ramón-Laca, A. Wells, J. Clemons, D. Chu, B.E. Feist, R.P. Kelly, S.L. Parker-Stetter,
R. Thomas, K.M. Nichols, and L. Park in Proceeding of the Royal Society B (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2613)
Environmental DNA provides quantitative estimates of abundance and distribution in the open ocean
This release contains the code and data associated with the manuscript "Environmental DNA provides quantitative estimates of
abundance and distribution in the open ocean." as submitted to the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.