Detailed nutrient composition of 592 key foods in India.
This is part of package nvif1989.
Source: Nutritive Value of Indian Foods 1989.
const compositions = require('@nvif1989/compositions');
// compositions.corpus: Map {code => {code, name, scie, lang, grup, tags, ...}}
// compositions.load(): Promise (corpus loaded)
// compositions.sql([table], [options]): Promise (sql commands)
// compositions.csv(): path to csv file
// compositions(<query>)
// -> [{code, name, scie, lang, grup, tags, ...}] for matched foods
async function main() {
await compositions.load();
/* load corpus first */
// NOTE: grup is wrong, curd is wrong
compositions('pine apple');
compositions('ananas comosus');
// [
// {
// code: '294',
// name: 'PINE APPLE',
// scie: 'Ananas comosus', lang: 'B. Anarash; G., H., Kan., Mar., P. Ananas; Mal. Kayitha chakka; O. Sapuri Anasianas; Tam. Anasi pazham; Tel. Anasa Pandu',
// grup: 'Cereal grains and products',
// tags: 'vegetarian eggetarian fishetarian veg',
// enerc: 46,
// water: 87.8,
// ...
// }
// ]
compositions('tell me about khoa.');
// [
// {
// code: '430',
// name: 'KHOA (skimmed buffalo milk)',
// scie: '',
// lang: 'B., H., Kan., Mal., P., Tel. Khoa; O. Kua; Tam. Thirattu pal',
// grup: 'Milk and Milk products',
// tags: 'vegetarian eggetarian fishetarian veg',
// enerc: 206,
// water: 46.1,
// ...
// },
// {
// code: '429',
// name: 'KHOA (whole buffalo milk)',
// scie: '',
// lang: '',
// grup: 'Milk and Milk products',
// tags: 'vegetarian eggetarian fishetarian veg',
// enerc: 421,
// water: 30.6,
// ...
// },
// {
// code: '431',
// name: "KHOA (whole cow's milk)",
// scie: '',
// lang: 'B. Makhantana doodh; Kash Gurus; Mal. Padakalanya pal, O. Sarakadha dudha; Tam. Kudaintha pal; Tel. Venna theesina palu',
// grup: 'Milk and Milk products',
// tags: 'vegetarian eggetarian fishetarian veg',
// enerc: 413,
// water: 25.2,
// ...
// }
// ]
You can ask about composition of 592 key foods in India here:
Food composition values were measured by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad.
Take a peek at the raw data here: CSV.