This is a compilation of some of my basic projects using OpenCV.
Need to have openCV installed and g++ version 5.4 or greater.
All files will use this format if you have OpenCV installed correctly:
g++ -o <executable filename> `pkg-config --cflags --libs`
//Replace with whatever you want to name your executable//
EX) g++ basicImage.cpp -o img `pkg-config --cflags --libs`
./<executable filename>
EX) ./img
basicImage - basicImage.cpp takes an image using a computers webcam and saves it with a given file name.
basicVideo - The basicVideo.cpp file is used to capture a continuous stream of frames from a user's webcam and plays it back for them.
smoothVideo - smoothVideo.cpp file captures a stream of frames from the user's webcam and smooths them out. Plays back the raw video stream and the stream that is slightly smoothed out.
sobelImage - Uses the sobel method to take derivatives in the x and y directions of the image to get the edges. Then saves the image as a gray-scale image.
sobelVideo - sobelVideo.cpp file captures a stream of frames from a user's webcam and converts them to sobel images. Plays back the raw video capture and the sobel conversion video.
Thank you,
Nathaniel Rose