is a minimal and powerful treemap component.
$ yarn add squarified
See the dev directory for a minimal example.
// convert data into expected data
declare function c2m<
T extends AnyObject & {
groups: any[]
K extends keyof T
>(data: T, key: K, modifier?: (data: T) => T): T & {
weight: number
// preset theme layout (unstable)
declare function presetDecorator(app: TreemapLayout): void
declare function getNodeDepth(node: NativeModule): number
declare function visit<T extends AnyObject>(data: T[], fn: (data: T) => boolean | void): T | null
declare function findRelativeNode(p: {
x: number,
y: number
}, layoutNodes: LayoutModule[]): LayoutModule | null
declare function findRelativeNodeById(id: string, layoutNodes: LayoutModule[]): LayoutModule | null
interface App {
init: (el: HTMLElement) => void
dispose: () => void
setOptions: (options: TreemapOptions) => void
resize: () => void
use: (using: Using, register: (app: TreemapLayout) => void) => void
zoom: (id: string) => void
declare function createTreemap(): App