What’s Changed
- Bump HotChocolate.Diagnostics and HotChocolate.AspNetCore (#263) @dependabot
- Bump HotChocolate.Abstractions from 13.9.9 to 13.9.11 (#258) @dependabot
- Bump MassTransit.RabbitMQ and MassTransit (#259) @dependabot
- Bump MassTransit from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4 (#260) @dependabot
- Bump docker/build-push-action from 3 to 6 (#261) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5 to 6 (#262) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#252) @dependabot
- Bump docker/metadata-action from 4 to 5 (#253) @dependabot
- Bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 (#251) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#254) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-dotnet from 3 to 4 (#255) @dependabot
- Bump Serilog.AspNetCore from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 (#244) @dependabot
- Bump Serilog from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 (#246) @dependabot
- Bump HotChocolate.Data.EntityFramework and HotChocolate.Data (#250) @dependabot
- Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.27.2 to 3.27.3 (#249) @dependabot
- Bump HotChocolate.Diagnostics, HotChocolate.AspNetCore and HotChocolate.Abstractions (#248) @dependabot
- Bump Grpc.Net.ClientFactory from 2.63.0 to 2.65.0 (#239) @dependabot
- Bump HotChocolate.Data and HotChocolate.Abstractions (#240) @dependabot
- Bump MediatR from 12.3.0 to 12.4.0 (#241) @dependabot
- Bump NKZSoft.FluentValidation.Options from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (#242) @dependabot
- Bump NKZSoft.Service.Configuration.Logger from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (#243) @dependabot
- Bump EFCoreSecondLevelCacheInterceptor and EasyCaching.Core (#234) @dependabot
- Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational (#236) @dependabot
- Bump Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational (#237) @dependabot
- Bump Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 (#235) @dependabot
- Bump Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 (#238) @dependabot
- Bump NKZSoft.Service.Configuration.MassTransit.RabbitMq, MassTransit, MassTransit.RabbitMQ and Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (#231) @dependabot
- Bump Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 (#232) @dependabot
- Bump OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.EntityFrameworkCore from 1.0.0-beta.6 to 1.0.0-beta.12 (#233) @dependabot
- Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 (#230) @dependabot
- Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 (#229) @dependabot
- Bump mapster.tool from 8.3.0 to 8.4.0 (#226) @dependabot
- Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2 (#227) @dependabot
- Bump xunit from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 (#225) @dependabot
- Bump Ardalis.GuardClauses from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 (#228) @dependabot