Elixir client for Open Library Rest API.
Work in progress. Currently only supports fetching book information for a given ISBN, LCCN or OCLC.
Add openlibrary
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:openlibrary, "~> 0.2.2"}]
Ensure openlibrary
is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:openlibrary]]
The most common case is to look up books by ISBN:
%{"authors" => [%{"name" => "Robert Jordan",
"url" => "https://openlibrary.org/authors/OL2645644A/Robert_Jordan"}],
"by_statement" => "Robert Jordan",
"classifications" => %{"dewey_decimal_class" => ["823.914"],
"lc_classifications" => ["PS3560.O7617 E94 1990"]},
"cover" => %{...},
"ebooks" => [...],
"identifiers" => %{
"isbn_10" => ["0812511816", "081257995X", "0613176340", "0812500482"],
"isbn_13" => ["9780812511819", "9780812579956", "9780613176347", "9780812500486"],
"lccn" => ["89007939"], "oclc" => ["22671036"],
"openlibrary" => ["OL24934473M"]
"key" => "/books/OL24934473M",
"number_of_pages" => 814, "pagination" => "814 p. :",
"publish_date" => "1990", "publish_places" => [%{"name" => "New York"}],
"publishers" => [%{"name" => "T. Doherty Associates"}],
"subjects" => [%{"name" => "Fantasy .", "url" => "https://openlibrary.org/subjects/fantasy_."}]}
You can also look up books by other keys:
# Using Library of Congress catalog number:
# Using Worldcat Control Number:
Reading through the source of the openlibrary gem by jayfajardo has been a massive help in creating this package.