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This is a demo Android project showcasing the integration of MVVM architecture with Hilt for dependency injection, Retrofit for network requests, Moshi for JSON parsing, Navigation for navigation flow, and Coroutines for asynchronous programming.


  • MVVM architecture implementation.
  • Dependency injection with Hilt.
  • Network requests using Retrofit.
  • JSON parsing with Moshi.
  • Navigation flow managed with Navigation component.
  • Asynchronous programming using Coroutines.


The project follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, separating concerns between the UI, data, and business logic layers.


The project uses the following libraries and frameworks:

  • MVVM: MVVM architecture to separate UI and business logic.
  • Hilt: Hilt for efficient dependency injection.
  • Retrofit: Retrofit for making network requests.
  • Moshi: Moshi for JSON parsing.
  • Navigation: Navigation component for managing navigation flow.
  • Coroutines: Coroutines for asynchronous programming.


The app demonstrates a simple use case of fetching data from a remote server using Retrofit and displaying it in a RecyclerView. It also showcases basic navigation using the Navigation component.


Please note that this project is intended for educational and demonstration purposes only. It may not include all best practices or error handling that would be appropriate for a production app.