** WIP **
Native Rust IRC client for the web with a minimal set of dependencies.
- pest.rs parsing library for IRC protocol
- yew.rs with web_sys and gloo as web framework
- serde.rs for storing data
- tailwindcss for styling
- heroicons for buttons & more
There are also a bunch of development dependencies:
- websocket for testing IRC websocket clients against real servers
- dotenv for defining e.g. host address and passwords
For development rustup for your basic rust installation. This can also be done with your favorite package manager of your choice. Then install current stable together with the wasm32 target via:
rustup default stable
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Next install trunk with cargo:
cargo install trunk
Check which version of tailwind is being used by trunk, it might be necessary to upgrade:
trunk tools
Tests requiring a dotenv environment will be ignored by default, as to not cause any issues in e.g. github actions. To run them use the following command:
cargo test -- --ignored
For these to work, define your own .env
file in the source directory. As
template use:
Make sure to use wss://
protocol to not transmit any clear text passwords!