A basic video dialog and video question answer framework. This repository proposed a simple encoder-decoder vqa and video-dialog framework. You can easily change your custom encoder or decoder by adding a new encoder-class or decoder-class. And this repository contains several simple encoders and decoders(multi-choice decoder and open-domain decoder).
- python2.7
- redis
Download dataset.
Baidu Pan: link passwd: 7c9b
(or, Google driver: link )
- install redis
- pip install -r requirements.txt
start redis-server (train database server)
redis-server redis.conf
- write a configure file (reference to conf/)
- python tools/train.py -c [config-file-path] (for example, python tools/train.py -c conf/lf.yaml)
python tools/eval.py -c [config-file-path]
- I only release a simple version of video-dialog-framework. Maybe the data preprocessing is a little bit slow. For accelerating the training process, you can convert the data to tf-record, and change the data-load code to read tf-record.
- The GDecoder class is a very naive decoder, maybe you can add attention mechanism to decode more accurate answer.