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=== Mobiloud - WordPress Native Mobile Apps Builder (iPhone, iPad, Android) ===
Contributors: psac50
Tags: mobiloud, push, notifications, mobile, mobile app, native app, web app, iphone, ipad, iphone app, ipad app, android, tablet, windows mobile, mobile web, HTML5, mobile site, mobile plugin, wordpress mobile, admob, adsense, mobile theme, mobile template, mobile website, mobile theme, responsive, wptouch, ios app, app
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 3.9.1
Stable tag:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Create real native mobile apps for iPhone, iPad and Android with your WordPress site. No coding required.

== Description ==

= Build native mobile apps with Wordpress in one click. No effort required. =

Mobiloud is a premium WordPress plugin and mobile app publishing service. It's for publishers and bloggers who want to build a branded **native mobile apps** for iOS and Android, offering content from their WordPress site (similar apps are published by TechCrunch, The Verge, The Huffington Post). **Note it's not a free service** (check out the [pricing]( If it sounds like what you want, and it should, then read on.

Mobiloud apps are fast, run smoothly and their design is specific to the platform you run them on, be it iOS or Android (this is not the case with any other competitor). The apps support **mobile ad networks** such as Admob and Adsense, allow you to add your own advertising, support **WordPress, Disqus and Facebook comments** and allow you to **automatically send push notifications** when you publish new content.

We're a team of app developers, so we can provide you with further **customisation for your apps and more functionality** as required. If you're site has more functionality then a blog and you want it available on the app, then just let us know what you need. If you're an agency or developer, you can resell Mobilouds apps to your customers, without any Mobiloud branding.

Install the plugin now and you will be moments away from creating your mobile app.

= Features =
* Converts your WordPress site or blog into **stunning mobile apps**
* **Automatically syncs with your WordPress site content**: posts, pages, categories, images and video
* Fast, smooth and well designed mobile apps (better then any HTML5 alternative)
* Publish your **iPhone and Android apps** on App Store and Google Play
* Support for **iPhone, iPad** (iOS6 and iOS7 supported), **Android phones and tablets** (Android 4.x)
* You **create your own designs** in minutes, using our simple configurator
* Support for **Admob, Adsense** and other mobile advertising options
* Support for WordPress, **Disqus and Facebook comments** (your choice)
* Send **push notifications** automatically to bring back mobile users to your content
* Users can choose which categories to receive push messages for
* Support for **Google Analytics** to track traffic on your app

= Examples =
Check out our [online demo](, or try one of the apps from our [customers](

= How it works =

1. **Install and Activate** the plugin
2. Test-drive a **demo mobile app** online, from your browser.
4. When you're ready, **Sign Up with no risk** (we offer a 30 day money back guarantee)
5. We build your app and have you test it
6. In a matter of days we'll submit the app for you to Android and Google Play.

= Build your own native iOS and Android apps =
Smartphones and tablets are outselling PCs 4:1. Chances are you're getting 30-40% of your traffic from mobile devices today, rest assured, by 2015 it will be 50-60%. In short, **you need to be on mobile if you want to be where your readers are**.

**Mobile users spend 85% of their time inside apps** - it's clear apps have won user's hearts more than the mobile web. People love the simplicty, speed and comfort apps can offer. 

= No programming necessary =
With Mobiloud, you can create apps without any of the programming hassle. With Mobiloud, it's a **one-click process**, and we help you with getting the design exactly as you want. This is **your branded mobile app**, so make it yours!  

= Native mobile user experience =
Your app built on Mobiloud is a **real native mobile app**. It will offer a clean, professional design, easy swipe actions to navigate your content and one-tap access to features like favourite articles, commenting and sharing. Mobiloud apps are nothing like what our competitors offer, which are generally slow, poorly designed apps made with HTML and close to zero native code. The difference is clear.

= Have your visitors come back, again and again! =
With your own mobile app, you can convert visitors into loyal app users that stick and come back to your app and content. It's like a newsletter on steroids. **Send push notifications** to bring your mobile users back and keep them engaged.

= Increase your mobile traffic =
Mobile app users tend to consume on average more content every time they load an app, compared to a desktop or mobile site (we see 5x more views/visit on apps). Your mobile app will also be featured in the App Store and Google's Play Store, giving you access to millions of mobile app users from right around the world.

= Make money with mobile advertising =
We support Google's Admob and Adsense out of the box, and a number of other networks, but you can add any HTML code to display your banners!

= Make it simple to share your content =
To grow your site and business, sharing is everything. It's like free marketing! And with your mobile app, you'll encourage **sharing with a single tap** via all social media sites, email or SMS – simple! We support all major social networks, Whatsapp, Readibility and Instapaper among other services.

= App analytics =
With support for Google Analytics, you will be able to **track downloads, usage, and other statistics**, so you’ll have complete visibility and transparency over the success of your mobile app.

= What some of our customers say about it =

*"They left no stone unturned in making our mobile app perfect! It has been a pleasure working with them."*
Paul Andrew, Founder of Speckyboy Magazine

*“I had previously worked with four different mobile app developers and none of them were able to get the job done for me the way I wanted it. It took just two days for Mobiloud to get my wordpress website into an iPhone App."*
Nick Coffey, The Cardinal Connect

*"The team at Mobiloud built astonishing apps for the main blogs in our network. Fast development, great support, and of course beautiful mobile apps. What more could we ask for?"*
Fernando Serer, CEO and founder of Blogestudio

*"Thank you, Mobiloud, for developing the awesome Design You Trust mobile app and kicking my site into a mobile world. Very professional, fast and friendly!"*
Dmitry Utkin, founder of Design You Trust

= Pricing =
Install the plugin and design your mobile app for free. Try it as long as you want. To publish your app on App Store or Google Play, we charge affordable fees. Check the [pricing plans on](

For any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

== Installation ==

1. **Install** the plugin from the Plugin Directory, or downloand the files and upload them to /wp-content/plugins/

2. **Activate** the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu on WordPress.

3. Click on **Get Started** on the 'Mobiloud' menu page on your site.

= Any questions? =
You can contact us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How much does it cost? =
The Mobile App Plugin is free to install. You can also design your own app at no cost and with no risk. Once you have designed your app and would like to publish it on the App Store, we have simple pricing plans you can choose from. Check the [pricing plans on](

= Does Mobiloud help me build a mobile site? =
We don't provide a mobile site together with your app. It's a good idea to have a mobile site, so casual visitors can still have a decent experience on your site when using a mobile device. Of course, we recommend you also build a mobile app, to convert those casual visitors into loyal followers, increase your traffic and keep growing your audience.

The following plugins are all compatible with Mobiloud: WP-Touch, WordPress Mobile Edition, WordPress Mobile Pack, Mobile Press.

= What functionality will my mobile app offer? =
Your app will automatically show the latest content from your site, with no need for you to update it manually. Your app will display posts and pages, comments and categories. Your users will be able to read content online and offline, share it with a single tap, save their favourites, leave comments on your articles and, most importantly, receive push notifications alerting them to new content.

= Can I test out my app online before I buy? =
Yes, after installing the plugin and signing up you'll be able to test your app. Even before that, you can try our [example application]( to get a feel of how Mobiloud apps work.

= Can I try an example app on my iPhone or iPad? =
Sure, we have published many apps you can try directly. Just open up App Store on your phone or iPad and search for *Speckyboy*.

= Can I have advertising on my app? =
Of course! We support **Admob and Adwords**, out of the box. You can also add your own code for any kind of HTML banners.

= Can you add more functionality to the app? =
Yes, we can easily integrate additional content or functionality in your app, such as your Twitter feed, podcast, image or video galleries. Get in touch at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to get a quote.

= Can you design my app for me? =
Yes, we offer a VIP setup option which includes icon and app design, with 2 revisions from our designers. Just email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for a quote.

= Why should I build a mobile app for my blog? =
More and more, people are choosing to use their smartphones and tablets to read online content. Not only these devices make reading more comfortable, which explains why people prefer them to PCs, but there are now millions of mobile users who have just started accessing online content, as they never really used a PC before. On these mobile devices, users spend 80% of their time on apps. So no wonder, they expect to find your content in the form of a mobile app!

With a mobile app you'll be able to convert casual visitors into loyal followers. Why? Because your app will be front and center, easily accessible from the home screen of their device. And because you can alert with push notifications whenever you post something new.

= What is a native mobile app? =
Mobiloud apps, on every platform, are native mobile apps. Most competing solutions instead give you HTML5 apps, which means really mobile sites re-packaged as apps. The big difference is in performance and user experience.

Native apps are fast, run smoothly on the devices they are designed for, and make full use of each platform's capabilities. They're also easier to use, because they're designed to look and feel familiar on each mobile platform, be it iOS or Android. A Mobiloud app allows your users to receive push notifications, share with a single tap, quickly comment on articles and access content offline. In short, if you want to impress your users, go native and build a real mobile app!

= Can I use Disqus or Facebook comments? =
Yes, you can use Disqus or Facebook for comments on your app to replace the standard Wordpress commenting system.

= Can I use my own Apple account? =
Yes, we recommend you register your own Apple developer account, though it's not requried. You can get yours [here](

= Is there a long term contract? =
No contracts here! You pay month-to-month, and if you're unhappy with the service, you can simply cancel by emailing us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Simple. No risk.

= What are the Terms and Conditions? =
Here is our [Terms and Conditions]( and [Privacy Policy](

= Where are you based? =
We're a UK company based in London. Mobiloud a trademark of Fifty Pixels Ltd. Come meet us at Clerkenwell Workshops, 31 Clerkenwell Close, London, EC1R 0AT.

= Can I contact you over the phone? =
Just call us on **+1 415 5130 886** or on Skype (skypename fiftypixels).

= Any questions? =
You can contact us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

== Screenshots ==


== Changelog ==

= 2.3.7 =
* New feature: App simulator that allows you to preview your app

= 2.3.1 =
* Fluid width images in posts

= 2.3 =
* improved Push Notifications admin panel
* Ability to have a page or URL as the app's home screen
* Page hierarchy navigation
* Image gallery support
* Support for custom post types
* Improved automatic push notifications

= 2.1 =
* improved support for javascript
* customise article content with CSS, PHP, HTML
* push notifications admin panel

= 1.9.1 =
* fixed security issue

= 1.9.0 =
* improved post html
= 1.8.16 =
* app_menu.php fix

= 1.8.15 =
* posts.php fix

= 1.8.14 =
* Admin pointer
* posts.php fixed

= 1.8.12 =
* Add file cache embedded system
* Add error tracer

= 1.8.11 =
* Fix in post html function

= 1.8.10 =
* Posts fix

= 1.8.9 =
* Post content extraction fixed

= 1.8.8 =
* Integration for Android app

= 1.8.7 =
* Integration with Mobiloud app configurator

= 1.8.6 =
* API to download one specific post

= 1.8.5 =
* Categories and pages managed by plugin. Sticky categories.

= 1.8.2 =
* Content redirect

= 1.8.1 =
* New remote update url

= 1.8.0 =
* Update by remote

= 1.7.6 =
* New options under general settings

= 1.7.5 =
* Changed date format

= 1.7.4 =
* Appstore and shortcut filter

= 1.7.2 =
* Example filter

= 1.7.1 =
* Filters engine fix

= 1.7 =
* Filters engine

= 1.6.2 =
* Fixed problem during posting in wordpress 3.5

= 1.6.1 =
* Fixed another problem in comments and layout

= 1.6 =
* Fixed Facebook comments integration * Added connection test to mobiloud server

= 1.5.4 =
* Push notification only when api key is set

= 1.5.3 =
* Fixed admin errors

= 1.5.2 =
* Push notification only when api key is set

= 1.5.1 =
* Smart App banner

= 1.5 =
* Fixed thumbs url when resized

= 1.4.1 =
* Fixed thumbs url inside JSON structure

= 1.4 =
* Fixed thumbnails bug * Fixed comments bug * Fixed configuration API keys bug

= 1.3.8 =
* General configuration tab

= 1.3.7 =
* Now wordpress could be installed on a subdirectory.

= 1.3.6 =
* New thumbs dimension

= 1.3.5 =
* Fixed bug about app smart redirect
* New configuration screen with ajax save

= 1.3 =
* iTunes app smart redirect for mobile devices
* cache manifest for offline mode
* [caption] on iPad

= 1.2.7 =
* [caption] fixes

= 1.2.6 =
* Layout HTML fixes

= 1.2.5 =
* Disqus comments count

= 1.2.4 =
* Disqus support

= 1.2.3 =
* iPad support

= 1.0 =
* Initial public release
* REST API calls with JSON output
* Push notifications for iOS

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 =