Usage: download .zip files and unpack in any folder. Launch W3MayaAnimUtil.exe.
Open GeraltLambertShani_RootMotion.mb in Maya 2020.
Drop W3AnimUtils_shelves.mel into Maya viewport to install my script shelves on current tab. Any problems with Ding's plugin: try python2 option for Maya (not my problem and not my solution, just info for a case),
Video HowTo (demonstrates usage of the program, though a bit old): [Witcher 3][ANIMATIONS] HOWTO: Editing motionExtraction + retargeting in MAYA
Tool updates:
- Small logging colors & text remake.
- Preview main info for every anim (single or selected from animset): name, duration, numFrames, rootMotion/motionExtraction presence.
- General anim edit: renaming, baking bones to full numFrames (pos/rot/scale - optional), cropping anim, sorting anim events by startTime, force setting correct duration from numFrames (using CDPR logic), optimizing bones frames (removing identical keys).
- Merging 2 anims: first you load 2nd animation json and preview it's main info. Then select merging type (Blend - smooth blend from 1st anim to 2nd, Sum - adds 2nd anim (additive) values to 1st (pose) to get editable merged anim, Subtract - subtracts from 2nd anim (merged) 1st anim (pose) to get back additive anim). Also there are several options like merging anim events, optimizing bones frames.
- NOTE 1: all options about selecting frame numbers are using 1-indexation (1st frame is number 1).
- NOTE 2: I made static man's idle anim as a base pose for applying additive anims on it (it's static because it actually contains only one frame, despite being 1 minute length) - the tool will bake it to full frames and then crop to additive length. You can download this anim json here (right click on this link->Save as..): man_ex_idle_static_60s.w2anims.json
- NOTE 3: Merged/Subtracted anim is saved as separate .json without affecting currently loaded anim.
- NOTE 4: there are dev "inverse" options for Sum/Subtract types - if you set some of them for Sum, you the same settings for Subtracting later (and ofc, the same pose anim) to get correct additive back.
"Remove origin from 2nd" is a very-dev option which won't allow you to get correct additive back later (but might be make merged result more correct for preview??).
Maya stuff (scene) - all the same: Now scene contains 3 actors colored with textures! Geralt + 2 swords attached; Lambert; Shani + 2 swords attached. Their meshes are grouped and can be easily hidden in Outliner. To set up textures download them (link below), unpack and make Repath to this folder with "search in subdirs" option in Maya->Windows->General Editors->File path editor.
W3MayaAnimUtil v2.1.1 win64
Maya scene files
Maya texture files