These code record my improvement in cpp.All them originate from <<C++ programming:princle and practice>>,a great book to help you using c++ rather than just geting lost in c++'s detail.
①Before chapter14,you can run one project by clicking "projectX.sIn".
②GUI learing begins since chapter14,so we need install fltk(you can get it at these step: and uncompress fltk source file.
2.use cmake to get a sIn solution in "build" dir(need make by yourself).
3.Generate solution by visual studio.
4.copy "abi-version.h" to "FL" dir (there are two FL dir,one generate by cmake,another in source file,there means the later).
5.set your project to include fltk.ALL ".lib" files included.All ".lib" files in "build/lib",and ".h" files in "FL".(for lib,you need set lib path and additional dependencies)
reproduce example code, finish part practice I think important or interesting.At chapter14,clear mess code in gui interface given by author(too old and too mess,can't work dirctly)