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BrainFlix, a video streaming app, built for BrainStation web development bootcamp, using React as the front-end and Express as backend.

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React app connected to Express server

  • Core features:
    • 2 pages, a list of videos, and a video upload page
    • API server to get/post videos/comments
  • Used custom React libraries:
    • Toastify (for pretty notifications)
    • React Hook Form (for robust form validation)
  • All diving deeper functionality implemented:
    • Posting comments
    • Custom Video Player
    • Upload Custom Poster Image
    • Liking Videos (and comments too)

Project brief

You have been approached by an entrepreneur to build out a prototype for a new video streaming platform called BrainFlix. The entrepreneur has meetings lined up for funding with several VCs and needs the prototype built within the next three weeks. BrainFlix’s Creative Director has provided you with a package and mockup of how they envision the final product.

Feedback received

98.8% overall mark received.

Things done well

Sprint 3

  • Outstanding work with Sprint 3 and overall with the project!
  • Excellent work doing the diving deeper functionality, uploading an image as well as the custom video player controls!
  • Nice work using toasify for a better user experience, indication of uploads and comments posting
  • Great work using a utils in your React App to help make certain functions reusable throughout your codebase
  • Nice work setting and checking the NODE_ENV in your express app

Sprint 2

  • Great job adding extra functionality to your site! The toast notifications are very snazzy!
  • Great job passing props to your Route components.
  • Although the useContext hook is not taught, good job implementing it. the Context hook is useful when we want certain “state-like” variables available in the overall app, but just be mindful that when we have context variables, they could potentially be accessed and changed anywhere, which may not be what we want.
  • Nice work setting up a ‘Page Not Found’ (aka a 404 page) within your routes
  • Great job capturing the form submission, providing feedback to the user, and redirecting your user to the home page.
  • Great job redirecting the user to the home page when they click the cancel button!
  • Great use and understanding of BEM

Sprint 1

  • Great job incorporate scroll-to-top functionality after a user clicks on the next videos to transition to the top of the page.
  • Great job setting up utility files with reusable functions
  • Great job importing your utility functions to be used within your project.
  • Great job using multiple components to build out your project!
  • Great job destructuring your props to be used within your components. This helps to keep your code more readable.

Opportunities & Improvements

Captured as issues under and


BrainFlix, a video streaming app, built for BrainStation web development bootcamp, using React as the front-end and Express as backend.




