A simple app that displays Kitten and Puppy pictures.
- MVVM architecture.
- Retrofit for consuming Rest Apis.
- DataBinding Library.
- Paging Library Infinite Scrolling.
- Dagger 2 for dependency Injection.
- Kotlin Coroutines for making network calls.
create a PawIdentifier object to have the following constants
object PawIdentifier{
const val KITTENS = "Kittens" //Kitten query value in retrofit call
const val PUPPIES = "Puppies" //Puppy query value in retrofit call
const val KITTIE = "KITTIE" //Kitten Fragment name, used in view pager adapter
const val DOGGO = "DOGGO" //Puppy fragment name, used in view pager adapter
const val API_KEY = "******" //fetch your own pixabay api key and place it here