A colorscheme for vim-airline/lightline. Lets make the solarized flood fill your editor.
The following screenshots are from vim-airline. The colorscheme for lightline is not as fancy as that in vim-airline since API is different.
This repo contains a theme/colorscheme for both vim-airline and lightline. To install (with vim-plug):
Plug 'Neur1n/solarized_flood'
An option to customize the font style of seciton c when in normal and visual mode, since the 'italic' style sometimes causes glitches on the statusline. The default is:
let g:solarized_flood_nv_mode_style = 'NONE'
More styles can be found with ':help attr-list'.
Now lets bulid a dam to stop the flood! The default highlighting for 'modified' mode could be inconspicuous that one should actually move an eye on the statusline to tell if a buffer is modified. Enabling the 'dam' will inverse the highlighting and the whole section c will be highlighted which makes it more obivous after a buffer is modified. To enable it:
let g:solarized_flood_dam = 1 (default: 0)
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2018 Jihang Li.