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dappl and pineappl Artifact for OOPSLA 2025


This artifact provides the implementation of dappl and surrounding experiments.

Hardware Dependencies

These experiments require a working Docker installation. This artifact was tested by the authors on x86 Ubuntu 22.04 and ARM macOS. Instructions will assume a Linux-like shell environment for running command to set up the container.

To run full experiments, expect a server with >=512GB of RAM to take about 12 hours.

Getting started

  1. Get a working docker installation.
  2. Run the following commands in a shell to pull the container from DockerHub:
  docker pull minsungc/dappl:oopsla_2025
  docker run -it --rm --platform linux/amd64 minsungc/dappl:oopsla_2025
  1. Once in the container, cd in to the dappl/ folder and run the command dappl. You should get the dappl help page. If not, run alias dappl='./dappl/_build/install/default/bin/dappl' and try again.

WARNING: the image is rather large in size and requires the linux/amd64 architecture. The build may fail if there is not enough disk space (~10gb) or if the architecture is unspecified.

Running your own dappl programs

Several example dappl programs are given in the examples/ folder. To run your own dappl program, or one from the examples, type in the container

  dappl run $FILE

where $FILE is the path to your .dappl file. There are also optional debug and caching options available for toggle; type dappl run -help for details.

Recreating experiments

Replicating the experiments is expensive, requiring about 12 wall clock hours on ~512GB of RAM and an AMD EPYC CPU. A server or workstation is recommended.

To replicate experiments, type into the console


If you would like to see a specific experiment ran, comment out the other experiments in

The resulting numbers are stored in a .csv file in the numbers/ folder.

"Kicking the tires"

The "kick the tires" scripts replicates a small fraction of the Bayesian network experiments in Section 6.1 of the paper. To do this, run


On an ARM Mac with no other processes, this took about 7 minutes to run.

The resulting numbers are stored in a .csv file in the numbers/ folder.

Navigating the source repository

  • bin/: command line tooling.
  • derkinderen/: scripts from Derkinderen et al, ECAI 2020.
  • examples/: examples of dappl programs.
  • experiments/: Python files for automated experimentation and result output
  • lib/: the lexer, parser, and interpreter
  • testgen/: the main test generation tool. within:
    • bn/ houses different bayesian networks that can be generated
    • mdp/ houses the DR benchmark
    • ladder houses the network ladder diagnosis benchmarks
    • grid/ houses the gridworld benchmarks


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