This site is a tutorial to learn Abkhazian language.
The site is built using Chirpy theme for Jekyll.
Contributions are welcome. The preferred method is with a GitHub Pull Request. At the bottom of every page is a link to edit the page. But if that's too technical, contributions in any form are welcome.
- lesson 16, 17, 18, review 6
- lesson 19, 20, 21, 22, review 7
- additional material
- lesson 16, 17, 18, review 6
- lesson 19, 20, 21, 22, review 7
- additional material
- lesson 12, review 4
- lesson 13, 14, 15, review 5
- lesson 16, 17, 18, review 6
- lesson 19, 20, 21, 22, review 7
- additional material
- Abkhazian-Turkish dictionary
- Turkish-Abkhazian dictionary
Clone repo, and then clone submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Then run with
bundle exec jekyll serve
There is also a
file for development in
Dev Containers.
To run the Cypress App :
npm run cy:open
NB: the app only works on the host machine - not on a VM or in a dev container.
To run the Cypress tests:
npm run cy:run