A JavaScript library to add search functionality to any Jekyll blog.
This is a fork of
the original
because all the
after 1.9.0
were actually the same as 1.9.0
because the build step was not executed.
I then made the following changes:
- add package version to header
- add dev container configuration
- split search criteria on words instead of space
- exact search using quotes instead of trailing space
- add query parameter to middleware
- add a function to highlight matched text for use in the middleware
You have a blog, built with Jekyll, and want a lightweight search functionality on your blog, purely client-side?
No server configurations or databases to maintain.
Just 5 minutes to have a fully working searchable blog.
npm install simple-jekyll-search
Place the following code in a file called search.json
in the root of your Jekyll blog. (You can also get a copy from here)
This file will be used as a small data source to perform the searches on the client side:
layout: none
{% for post in site.posts %}
"title" : "{{ post.title | escape }}",
"category" : "{{ post.category }}",
"tags" : "{{ post.tags | join: ', ' }}",
"url" : "{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}",
"date" : "{{ post.date }}"
} {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
SimpleJekyllSearch needs two DOM
elements to work:
- a search input field
- a result container to display the results
Here is the code you can use with the default configuration:
You need to place the following code within the layout where you want the search to appear. (See the configuration section below to customize it)
For example in _layouts/default.html:
<!-- HTML elements for search -->
<input type="text" id="search-input" placeholder="Search blog posts..">
<ul id="results-container"></ul>
<!-- or without installing anything -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/simple-jekyll-search@latest/dest/simple-jekyll-search.min.js"></script>
Customize SimpleJekyllSearch by passing in your configuration options:
var sjs = SimpleJekyllSearch({
searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'),
resultsContainer: document.getElementById('results-container'),
json: '/search.json'
A new instance of SimpleJekyllSearch returns an object, with the only property search
is a function used to simulate a user input and display the matching results.
var sjs = SimpleJekyllSearch({ ...options })
💡 it can be used to filter posts by tags or categories!
Here is a list of the available options, usage questions, troubleshooting & guides.
The input element on which the plugin should listen for keyboard event and trigger the searching and rendering for articles.
The container element in which the search results should be rendered in. Typically a <ul>
You can either pass in an URL to the search.json
file, or the results in form of JSON directly, to save one round trip to get the data.
The template of a single rendered search result.
The templating syntax is very simple: You just enclose the properties you want to replace with curly braces.
The template
var sjs = SimpleJekyllSearch({
searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'),
resultsContainer: document.getElementById('results-container'),
json: '/search.json',
searchResultTemplate: '<li><a href="{{ site.url }}{url}">{title}</a></li>'
will render to the following
<li><a href="/jekyll/update/2014/11/01/welcome-to-jekyll.html">Welcome to Jekyll!</a></li>
If the search.json
contains this data
"title" : "Welcome to Jekyll!",
"category" : "",
"tags" : "",
"url" : "/jekyll/update/2014/11/01/welcome-to-jekyll.html",
"date" : "2014-11-01 21:07:22 +0100"
A function that will be called whenever a match in the template is found.
It gets passed the current property name, property value, the template, and the search query.
If the function returns a non-undefined value, it gets replaced in the template.
This can be potentially useful for manipulating URLs etc.
templateMiddleware: function(prop, value, template, query) {
if (prop === 'bar') {
return value.replace(/^\//, '')
See the tests for an in-depth code example
A function that will be used to sort the filtered results.
It can be used for example to group the sections together.
sortMiddleware: function(a, b) {
var astr = String(a.section) + "-" + String(a.caption);
var bstr = String(b.section) + "-" + String(b.caption);
return astr.localeCompare(bstr)
The HTML that will be shown if the query didn't match anything.
You can limit the number of posts rendered on the page.
Enable fuzzy search to allow less restrictive matching.
Pass in a list of terms you want to exclude (terms will be matched against a regex, so URLs, words are allowed).
A function called once the data has been loaded.
Limit how many times the search function can be executed over the given time window. This is especially useful to improve the user experience when searching over a large dataset (either with rare terms or because the number of posts to display is large). If no debounceTime
(milliseconds) is provided a search will be triggered on each keystroke.
A helper function that might be useful in templateMiddleware
(or anywhere else).
See default layout for an example of usage.
The matched text.
The text that was searched for.
The length to trim the text to. Defaults to 200.
- There is a filter plugin in the _plugins folder which should remove most characters that cause invalid JSON. To use it, add the simple_search_filter.rb file to your _plugins folder, and use
as a filter.
For example: in search.json, replace
"content": "{{ page.content | strip_html | strip_newlines }}"
"content": "{{ page.content | strip_html | strip_newlines | remove_chars | escape }}"
If this doesn't work when using Github pages you can try jsonify
to make sure the content is json compatible:
"content": {{ page.content | jsonify }}
Note: you don't need to use quotes "
in this since jsonify
automatically inserts them.
Replace search.json
with the following code:
layout: none
{% for post in site.posts %}
"title" : "{{ post.title | escape }}",
"category" : "{{ post.category }}",
"tags" : "{{ post.tags | join: ', ' }}",
"url" : "{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}",
"date" : "{{ post.date }}",
"content" : "{{ post.content | strip_html | strip_newlines }}"
} {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% for page in site.pages %}
{% if page.title != nil %}
"title" : "{{ page.title | escape }}",
"category" : "{{ page.category }}",
"tags" : "{{ page.tags | join: ', ' }}",
"url" : "{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.url }}",
"date" : "{{ page.date }}",
"content" : "{{ page.content | strip_html | strip_newlines }}"
{% endif %}
} {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
npm install
npm test
npm run dist
cd example; jekyll serve
# in another tab
npm run cy:open
# or
npm run cy:run
Thanks to all contributors over the years! You are the best :)
@daviddarnes @XhmikosR @PeterDaveHello @mikeybeck @egladman @midzer @eduardoboucas @kremalicious @tibotiber and many others!