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CS422 Project 1 - Stefan Igescu - Relational Operators and Execution Models

Task 1: Implement a volcano-style tuple-at-a-time engine

The implementation of the six basic operators in a volcano-style tuple-at-a-time has been done in the following way.


Scan uses a counter currentRow to scan a tuple at a time until the total number of rows numberRows (which we obtain with the method of scannable.getRowCount) is achieved. We use the match operator to verify if scannable is defined and to cast it to RowStore in order to be able to use the .getRow method to obtain the rows.


This operator is implemented in the Filter class. We first try to fetch a Option[Tuple] using Afterwards we check if the tuple is defined using the match operator. If there is a value inside the Option then we filter it using the predicate function: if it returns true, then the Tuple is returned to the next operator, otherwise we call recursively next() until we either find a Tuple returning true, either we finish the table.


The way we retrieve and manage Option[Tuple] is similar to before. In this case we apply projection using map in this way


The join has been implemented as Hash Join. We always choose the left input as build table and the right as probe table. The hash table is implemented with a HashMap[Tuple, Seq[Tuple]] and it is populated and probed in the open():

  1. We use left.iterator to iterate over all the tuples from the left input
  2. We use => tuple(el)) in order to extract the join-fields
  3. We add the (key,value) pair to the HashMap. If the key is already in the map, then we add the tuple to the sequence of tuples.
  4. We iterate over all the tuples from the right input using
  5. We extract the key as before, and we try to find access the map with the key obtained. If the key exists in HashMap, therefore we have a match. We join the tuples and store them in Seq[Tuple].

Each time next() is called a tuple is taken from the head of the sequence and returned.


The operator is implemented using aggregationMap: Map[Tuple, Seq[Tuple]] where the key consists on the attributes on which the aggregation is done, whereas the value is a Seq[Tuple] which collects all the tuples with the respective key. The map is populated similarly to the join operator, however in this case we extract the key using => tuple(e)). In a second moment the Map is transformed into a aggregationSeq: IndexedSeq[(Tuple, Seq[Tuple])] and is then processed each time next() is called:

  1. We take a key-value pair from the head ofaggregationSeq
  2. We combine the key with the result of mapping and reducing the aggCalls over the tuples associated to that key toAggregate._1.++( => => agg.getArgument(t)).reduce(agg.reduce)))
  3. We remove the key-value pair from the sequence.


In order to sort all the tuples we need at first to store all of them. Indeed, in the function open() we:

  1. Store all the tuples from the input into toSort: Seq[Tuple]
  2. Sort them using the function sortByCollation. The function is implemented using the variable fieldCollations which we obtain from the field value collation. fieldCollations will give us indeed the following information for each field to sort:
    1. the field index using the method .getFieldIndex
    2. the direction of sorting using the method .getDirection
  3. We drop the first tuples based on the offset value.

Afterwards in the function next() we return a tuple at a time by paying attention to return a maximum of fetch tuples. This is done by using the variable counter.

Task 2: Late Materialization (naive)

Subtask 2.A: Implement Late Materialization primitive operators

  • Drop ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.volcano.late.Drop]) is implemented by simply accessing the field value of the LateTuple and by returning it.
  • Stitch ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.volcano.late.Stitch]) is implemented by using hashMap: HashMap[Long, Seq[LateTuple]] where the keys are the vids and the values are the tuples associated. We start from the left input, and we build the hashMap based on it. Afterwards, for each tuple in the right input we try to find a match in hashMap. If this is the case we stitch the tuples and return the final LateTuple as a Option[LateTuple]

Subtask 2.B: Extend relational operators to support execution on LateTuple data

  • Filter ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.volcano.late.LateFilter]) is implemented by adapting the previous version of the Filter by accessing the field value of the LateTuple in this way predicate(lateTuple.value). It preserves the previous vid.
  • Join ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.volcano.late.LateJoin]) is also an adaptation of the previous version by accessing the field value. In addition, a new vid is generated for the resulting LateTuple by using the counter i Option(LateTuple(i,output)).
  • Project ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.volcano.late.LateProject]) We first apply the projection on the .value field, and then we add again the .vid value in the following way Option(LateTuple(lateTuple.vid, Option(lateTuple.value).map(evaluator).get))

Task 3: Query Optimization Rules

Subtask 3.A: Implement the Fetch operator

The implementation of the Fetch is done in next():

  1. We obtain Option[LateTuple] from and store it in nextTuple.
  2. If we obtain a LateTuple then we access column at the position nextTuple.vid.
  3. If we find a corresponding value in column we apply the projection if projects is not empty.
  4. At the end we return a LateTuple with the same vid and with the projected tuple containing now also the value from column.

Subtask 3.B: Implement the Optimization rules

  • [ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.volcano.late.qo.LazyFetchRule] the implementation is done by accessing the field rels of call: RelOptRuleCall.
    1. We store the input of the stitch operator in inputStitch = call.rels(1) by accessing the field call.rels(1) at position 1.
    2. We store the value columnScan = call.rels(2).asInstanceOf[LateColumnScan]. From this variable we will get the column input needed in the Fetch operator by accessing it this way columnScan.getColumn.
    3. We create the new Fetch logical operator by using the corresponding create method LogicalFetch.create(inputStitch,columnScan.getRowType, columnScan.getColumn, None, classOf[LogicalFetch])
  • [ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.volcano.late.qo.LazyFetchFilterRule] in this case we return a LogicalFilter operator which takes as input a LogicalFetch operator. As before we access the logical operators by using the call.rels field. In this case we have to pay particular attention to the following things:
    1. The filter condition has to be shifted based on the number of fields we add to the LateTuple because of the Fetch. This is done by using the function RexUtil.shift(filter.getCondition,0,inputStitch.getRowType.getFieldCount)
    2. The input of the Filter operator is stored in newFetch = LogicalFetch.create(inputStitch,columnScan.getRowType,columnScan.getColumn,None,classOf[LogicalFetch])
  • [ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.volcano.late.qo.LazyFetchProjectRule] the procedure is again similar to the previous cases. However, in this case we leverage the field projects in the Fetch operator in order to apply the projection on the LateTuple. It was indeed important to correctly implement the Fetch operator in order to correctly apply the projection if the projects field is given.

Task 4: Execution Models

Subtask 4.A: Enable selection-vectors in operator-at-a-time execution

In all these operators a buffer has been implemented in order to store the vector of tuples which are taken from the input. Afterwards this buffer is processed accordingly to the operator. It was particularly important to use the .transpose method in order to process the values as Tuple

In addition in all the operators, in order to divide the flag column containing boolean values from the others we use the following method and field:

  1. .dropRight(1) to drop the flag column and keep only the field columns
  2. .last to access only the last column which is the flag column

We can observe how the queries are processed faster than the volcano case. This can be explained by the fact there are fewer function calls since we process vectors of tuples at a time.

  • Filter ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.operatoratatime.Filter]): in this case the processing consists in only changing the extra flag column containing the Boolean values. Here we will change them based on the filter condition. It is important to keep to false the values which were already set to false even if the predicate returns true. That's why we use a && operator between the previous value and the one returned from the predicate. bufferValues :+{case (t,i) => bufferFlag(i).asInstanceOf[Boolean] && predicate(t)}. After the flag column has been processed then it is again combined with the others.
  • Project ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.operatoratatime.Project]): in this case we don't change the flag column. We only map over the transposed field columns in order to apply projection.
  • Join ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.operatoratatime.Join]): we have 2 buffers for respectively the left and right inputs. Differently from the volcano case, we have both inputs in the beginning, therefore we can build the hash table on the smaller one. Since we have a vector of tuples we can group them using the .groupBy method without creating the groups manually as done in the volcano case. The matching is done using the .flatMap method. Only the active tuples are processed in this operator: in order to filter the non-actvive we use the .filter method as following .filter(row => row.last.asInstanceOf[Boolean])
  • Sort ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.operatoratatime.Sort]): in this operator only active tuples are processed and returned. The sorting is done similarly to the volcano operator. In this case we use the .slice operator to remove not desired tuples according to the offset and fetch values.
  • Aggregate ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.operatoratatime.Aggregate]): also in this operator only active tuples are processed and returned. Since we have a vector of tuples we can group them using the .groupBy method without creating the groups manually as done in the volcano case. Again we apply map and reduce on the grouped Tuple based on aggCall.

Subtask 4.B: Column-at-a-time with selection vectors and mapping functions

In this case we can see how in general queries are processed faster than before. This again can be explained by the fewer number of function call due to the fact we process the whole column at a time.

  • Filter ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.columnatatime.Filter]) differently from the operator-at-a-time case we process directly the columns without using the .transpose method. Indeed we:

    1. unwrap[Boolean](executed.last) the HomogeneousColumn in order to transform it into a Array[Boolean]
    2. Apply the predicate on the other columns and obtain a predicateArray : Array[Boolean]
    3. We zip them together, and we apply a && between them for the same reason as in the operator-at-a-time case. We then transform the result into HomogeneousColumn
    4. Finally, we add the new flag column to the previous ones.

    As before, in the Filter operator we only change the values of the flag column.

  • Project ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.columnatatime.Project]) also in the project case we directly process the columns without using .transpose.

  • Join ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.columnatatime.Join]) in this case we have to change the column representation to the tuple one using .transpose. After processing the tuples as in the operator-at-a-time case we re-transpose them to column. Finally, we transform all columns to HomogeneousColumn using the method toHomogeneousColumn(). Again only active tuples are processed.

  • Sort ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.columnatatime.Sort]) the implementation is similar to the previous case. Again we have to transform all columns to HomogeneousColumn using the method toHomogeneousColumn(). Again only active tuples are processed.

  • Aggregate ([ch.epfl.dias.cs422.rel.early.columnatatime.Aggregate]) the implementation is similar to the previous case. Again we have to transform all columns to HomogeneousColumn using the method toHomogeneousColumn(). Again only active tuples are processed.


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