The Prometheus NATS Exporter consists of both a package and an application that
exports NATS server metrics
to Prometheus for monitoring.
The exporter aggregates metrics from the NATS server server monitoring endpoints you choose (varz, connz, subz,
routez, healthz...) into a single Prometheus exporter endpoint.
make build
If you want to run tests, you can do this.
make test
make lint
# If you want to see the coverage locally, then run this.
# make test-cover
Start the prometheus-nats-exporter executable, and poll the varz
endpoints of the NATS server located on localhost
configured with a monitor
port of 5555
prometheus-nats-exporter -varz "http://localhost:5555"
To run with docker, you can use the following image:
docker run natsio/prometheus-nats-exporter:latest
prometheus-nats-exporter <flags> url
# ./prometheus-nats-exporter
Usage: ./prometheus-nats-exporter <flags> url
-D Enable debug log level.
Enable debug and trace log levels.
-V Enable trace log level.
-a string
Network host to listen on. (default "")
Get accstatz metrics.
-addr string
Network host to listen on. (default "")
Get connection metrics.
-connz_detailed connz
Get detailed connection metrics for each client. Enables flag connz implicitly.
Get gateway metrics.
Get health metrics.
Get health metrics with js-enabled-only=true.
Get health metrics with js-server-only=true.
-http_pass string
Set the password for HTTP scrapes. NATS bcrypt supported.
-http_user string
Enable basic auth and set user name for HTTP scrapes.
-jsz string
Select JetStream metrics to filter (e.g streams, accounts, consumers)
-l string
Log file name.
Get leaf metrics.
-log string
Log file name.
-p int
Port to listen on. (default 7777)
-path string
URL path from which to serve scrapes. (default "/metrics")
-port int
Port to listen on. (default 7777)
-prefix string
Replace the default prefix for all the metrics.
-r string
Remote syslog address to write log statements.
-remote_syslog string
Write log statements to a remote syslog.
-ri int
Interval in seconds to retry NATS Server monitor URL. (default 30)
Get route metrics.
-s Write log statements to the syslog.
Get subscription metrics.
Write log statements to the syslog.
-tlscacert string
Client certificate CA for verification (used with HTTPS).
-tlscert string
Server certificate file (Enables HTTPS).
-tlskey string
Private key for server certificate (used with HTTPS).
Enables using ServerID from /varz
Enables using ServerName from /varz
Get general metrics.
Show exporter version and exit.
The url parameter is a standard url. Both http
and https
(when TLS is
configured) is supported.
The NATS Prometheus exporter exposes metrics through an HTTP interface, and will
default to:
When --http_user
and --http_pass
is used, you will need to set the username
password in prometheus. See basic_auth
in the prometheus configuration
documentation. If using a bcrypted password use a very low cost as scrapes
occur frequently.
It will return output that is readable by Prometheus.
The returned data looks like this:
# HELP gnatsd_varz_in_bytes in_bytes
# TYPE gnatsd_varz_in_bytes gauge
gnatsd_varz_in_bytes{server_id="http://localhost:8222"} 0
# HELP gnatsd_varz_in_msgs in_msgs
# TYPE gnatsd_varz_in_msgs gauge
gnatsd_varz_in_msgs{server_id="http://localhost:8222"} 0
# HELP gnatsd_varz_max_connections max_connections
# TYPE gnatsd_varz_max_connections gauge
gnatsd_varz_max_connections{server_id="http://localhost:8222"} 65536
The NATS prometheus exporter also provides a simple and easy to use API that allows it to run embedded in your code.
// import the API like this
import (
In just a few lines of code, configure and launch an instance of the exporter.
// Get the default options, and set what you need to. The listen address and port
// is how prometheus can poll for collected data.
opts := exporter.GetDefaultExporterOptions()
opts.ListenAddress = "localhost"
opts.ListenPort = 8888
opts.GetVarz = true
opts.NATSServerURL = "http://localhost:8222"
// create an exporter instance, ready to be launched.
exp := exporter.NewExporter(opts)
// start collecting data
// when done, simply call Stop()
// For convenience, you can block until the exporter is stopped
For additional information, refer to the walkthrough of monitoring NATS with Prometheus and Grafana.