This repository contains the PKGBUILD recipes for building a few tools required for building, running and testing i386-elf-binaries such as 32 bit operating system kernels based on the ELF format, like NativeOS - although it may suit to build and test other kernels.
At the moment this repository has been tested successfully on Arch Linux. It should work on other Arch-based distributions as well such as Manjaro. There is interest on testing and porting these scripts on MSYS2 for Windows, which also makes use of the pacman package manager, in order to have builds for Windows (MSYS target only) as well.
Change directory to the package to be built. There should be a PKGBUILD on
your current directory. Run makepkg
$ cd pkgbuild-i386-elf-toolchain/i386-elf-binutils
$ makepkg
You will get a package. Something something .pkg.tar.xz. Run
pacman -U <pkgname>.pkg.tar.xz
to install it.
Please, refer to the docs if you need more help: