This is a framework to help you build King of the Hill challenges, which pits bots against each other in a game designed by you. It includes:
- Automatic downloading of submissions from StackExchange
- Support for submissions in any language capable of I/O
- Organize your games into different types of tournaments, and combine their scores using a variety of methods
- Maps and map generators
- Various GUI components that you can use in your JavaFX application
I highly recommend using Gradle to build your project. If you do, you can use KoTHComm as a library by adding the following to your build.gradle:
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.nathanmerrill:KoTHComm:1.0.10' //Whatever the latest version is here:
If you don't want to use Gradle, you can also:
- Use Maven to manage your project (you'll need to add jitpack as a repository, and this project as a dependency)
- Download the latest release JAR, and use it as a library
- Use KoTHComm as a Git submodule by cloning it into your project directory
- Make a player class. It should extend from AbstractPlayer.
public abstract class TestPlayer extends AbstractPlayer<TestPlayer> {
//This is the public API for submissions. Put the methods that they will need to implement here
- Make a game class. It should extend from AbstractGame (or any class in the package.
public class TestGame extends AbstractGame<TestPlayer> {
public TestGame(){
//Do not use the players or random variable here. They are not instantiated yet
protected void setup() {
//This method is called before your game starts.
//Your random variable will be initialized, and use the players variable to access the players in the game
public Scoreboard<TestPlayer> getScores() {
//You should return the current scores of all of the players
//Ensure that the scores are as meaningful as possible, so that more data can be used to rank the players
public boolean finished() {
// You Should return true if the game is finished
return false;
protected void step() {
//Step will be called repeatedly until finished() returns true.
//This is where the actual game logic goes
- Make a main class:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args){
KotHComm<TestPlayer, TestGame> kotHComm = new KotHComm<>(TestGame::new);
//KotHComm is highly customizable. A large number of methods on kotHComm allow you to set how you want your KotH to run.;
If you are looking to do something in particular, check the HowTo document