Releases: nasa-jpl/fastcat
Releases · nasa-jpl/fastcat
v0.9.3 Add min dt to trap_generate_vel for profile velocity
Profile velocity commands will no longer sit constantly at zero if they are updated/regenerated at exactly, or close to, their update rate.
fix reset behavior
Patch fix for insufficient capabilities to clear latched faults
v0.9.1: Merge pull request #59 from nasa-jpl/hotfix-old-time-refs
hotfix old time references
Actuator Brake Emulation
- add Brake Emulation to Actuator Offline devices
- updates to use REALTIME clock in
Add LinearInterpolation Device
Adds new LinearInterpolation Fastcat Device (see issue #52)
Async SDO Support
Adds interfaces for JSD device SDO commands
- Adds async_sdo_write and async_sdo_read DeviceCmds
- Introduces new JsdDeviceBase base class for online/offline JSD devices
- add default online and offline SDO requests handling
- Adds UTs for offline SDO requests
- Consolidates all
sdo responses queues to single queue accessed by application by:
bool fastcat::manager::PopSdoResponseQueue(SdoResponse& res)
Expands EGD and Actuator State feedback to include more state feedback
- Adds
Power and fault state
- fixes actuator power calc when using absolute encoders
- populates the actuator
state variable.
Builds with JSD version that includes timestamps in logs
Builds Fastcat with the version of JSD that includes timestamps in jsd_print.h messages.
Adds ILD1900
Adds support for Micro-Epsilon's OptoNCDT ILD1900 line of distance sensors.
Optional hold position after profile
@d-loret added an optional feature for actuators that do not have brakes to hold actuator position after a profile position command is completed.